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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
[[stamped]] AUG 13 1924 [[/stamped]] 

For Prize Contest
August 9, 1924
W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Philadelphia, Pa.


My pocketbook is limited but Burpee seeds have helped to bring to me the greatest wealth in the world -health and happiness

After depressing sorrows and poor health, I sought sun, air and healthy foods in growing Burpee seeds. This kept my mind healthfully occupied and gave the most valuable exercise, that combined with pleasure and usefulness. In winter I had fun planning the next summer's accomplishments from the catalog, living over the inspiration of the miracles of Nature's creations in summer.

There is ^[[the]] pleasure of learning something new and of accomplishment but greatest of all is the happiness of gladdening the hearts of others with flowers, plants or seeds. I wouldn't take anything for the fun I have had in helping children to have a garden. I have the joy of hearing a mother say: "It is wonderful what you are doing for Jimmie with the flowers",and I see in my mind the lighted face of another boy and look at my garden." Is there anything greater than to  help a child?

Very truly yours,
Nellie Field
304 South Hannah Street
Albion, Michigan