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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
Mrs. A. R. Lancefield
Royal Bank of Canada
Hamilton, Ont.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Seed Growers,

Dear Sirs:-

Burpee's seeds have been used in our family for four generations. Although we are staunch Canadians advocating Canadian purchases in Canada, we have found that Burpee's supply many varieties of seeds and plants which we could not secure here.

My grandfathers had two of the best gardens in the village. The used Burpee's seed, especially the onion and your potatoes. When I was old enough to write, my Uncle allowed me  ??  the great joy of writing your order. I forgot to enclose the money order, but your well known courtesy provided balm for my wounded pride, and two months later my day of triumph came. My garden with Burpee's seeds surpassed in glorious display that of my neighbor who employed two gardeners.

The years have passed, and my husband and two little lads share my intense enthusiasm for gardening. Your asters took first prize at our School Fair last Fall. I sold forty dollars worth of flowers for our Community Poor Fund. This year my garden is nicer than ever. We appreciate what Burpee's seeds have done for us.