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time on one of the front mud guards.  The seat was not so bad, but the trouble was that every time the water in the radiator boiled and steam and water shot up like a fountain, my overcoat got wet and I had to jump off. That trip which should take about 3 days, took us 2 weeks instead.  The finishing touch was on the last bit of the journey between Sainbetze and Manchouli. The connecting pipe which leads the gasoline from the tank to the engine broke and we did not have a spare one.  The only thing we could do was to have one man lying flat on the bonnet of the half open^[[close up mark connecting "open" to "ed"]] ed engine holding a tin of gasoline and pouring gasoline continuously into the engine straight through a funnel . Of course a lot of [[strikethrough]] gasolin [[/strikethrough]] gasoline was wasted that way with the result that about 50 miles away from Manchouli we ran short of Gasoline and were stuck again. I got sick and tired of the truck and started off on foot. I thought that sooner or later I would st^[[r]]ike a camp of some marmot hunters who are out in the fields around Manchouli in Autumn. They are the worst ruffians from Hailar,Harbin and Manchouli and are feared as robbers on the road, but I had to chance it, if I wanted to get along.  After a few hours of marching, I saw smoke in the distance and was lucky enough to strike a camp some hours afterwards. We quickly came to terms about hiring a horse carriage, as they had to bring some skins to town anyhow and towards evening of that day I safely reached Manchouli.  I sent another carriage with some tins of gasoline and repair parts back to the car and the truck managed to get to Manchouli the next evening.
          By far my worst experience of motor travelling in Mongolia was the following^[[.]] [[strikethrough]].[[/strikethrough]] My own car had broken down somewhere in the middle of no^[[close up mark connecting "no" to "where"]] where and I got a lift on a g^[[o [[drawn over "e"]]]]evernment truck al[[strikethrough]]l[[/strikethrough]]^[[close up mark connecting "al" to "ready"]] ready filled to overcrowding with ^[[capitalize mark under "m" in "mongols"]]mongols, men ,women, and children.  I got on the truck [[strikethrough]] towards [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] and shortly afterwards it started to rain.  The chauffeur had a bright idea, he put up two poles in front and at the back of the truck and spread a big waterproof sheet over the whole thing. The women and kids were place^[[d]] in the center of the car and the men all around the edge with their legs dangling