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Page 56
In the dusk they had discovered a big lot of cowdung, in ^[[capitalize mark under "m" in "mongol"]]mongol you call " Argal ", but when they wanted to take it up they found that it was still^[[vertical line separating "still" from "wet"]]wet.  After they had collected enough fuel,we made a campfire under the ^[[capitalize mark under "m" in "mongolian"]]mongolian starry sky, ate, drank and were merry and passed the night very pleasantly.  Before dawn the car had been repaired and we went^[[vertical line separating "went" from "on"]]on again.  As arranged, we intended to drive through the second night,but as luck would have it,towards evening we struck a big grass fire which extended for miles. We could not follow the road, but had to make a big detour, but what[[strikethrough]],[[/strikethrough]] with the reflection of the fire in the sky and the darkness on the fields we naturally lost our way.  Our amateur  driver was at the wheel, and after driving from one side to the other fo^[[r]]  an hour trying to find the road again, I suggested that we turn back to the fire^[[-light]] and there at last we found the road-. The fire had moved on in the meanwhile and we could pass on the proper road.  The second night we again drove right through,as we had heard that the camp of the Andrew Expedition was not far away and we were all very thirsty for a bottle of cold beer, not having had any for months in Urga. Early in the morning we struck Andrew's camp and were very nicely received. They certainly knew how to travel, tents, Chinese cooks and boys camp-beds and everything you would think of to make travellingcc[strikethrough]]omforta[[/strikethrough]] comfortable. We were invited into the dining tent and asked whether we would like to have some coffee. When we told them that it was beer that we were after they told us that their beer supply had not yet arrived. We certainly were disappointed  , and after a cup of coffee we got on the move again,because there was just enough time to get into Kalgan that night,if we hurried up.  We got there alright and had quite a party in the Kalgan Hotel, as there were some friends amongst our gang who had not seen a bottle of beer for years .
          I have got stuck on the road dozens of times and have found out that next to carrying a strong spade for [[strikethrough] shuffling [[/strikethrough]] shovelling mud an d sand, the next best thing is to carry two strong long planks on either footboard.  When you get stuck in the mud, the best thing is to make a solid foundation near to the hind wheels of