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[[strikethrough]] emanated from the soil during the day, in great quantity.  This seems to me a rather plausible and quite philosophical explanation ^[[,]] for we all remember cases when the simple protection by a mosquito bar of persons sleeping out of doors in malarious districts, have proved successful in the prevention of malarial infection, although we also know, the mosquito netting did not do more than absorb the moisture which was deposited during the night, as was evidenced by the fact that it was very wet, while the bed clothes within the netting were perfectly dry.  This may, perhaps, serve as an example of the manner in which questions of general interest are treated in this great book.

^[["]] The book closes with a most instructive geological description of the soils of the cities of Berlin, Paris, Munich and Vienna, including the relations of soil and subsoil, of water and ground water and their circulation under different circumstances and how they might influence the health of these great cities and suggesting possible reme- [[/strikethrough]]