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admirably adapted for this purpose, and therefore was [[strikethrough]]instituted[[/strikethrough]] ^[[applied.]] 

    [[double underlined]] Experiment III. [[/double underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 75 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Seventy-five]] grams of the dried kernels ^[[,]] reduced as before to a fine powder  [strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[, were]] digested in a flask with 300 c.c. of benzene. The flask was stoppered and the contents frequently agitated for several hours, at the end of which time [[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] the vessel was immersed in boiling water until the benzene began to boil. The contents were then poured on a filter ^[[,]] and after all the liquid portion had passed through, the residue was twice successively treated with 100 c.c. more of the solvent. All the filtrates were then mixed together and evaporated in a tar^[[r]]ed capsule until the weight remained constant. The 75 grams of dried powder yielded 27'3 grams of oil, which quantity is equal to 36'4 per cent. 

    The oil [[strikethrough]]as [[/strikethrough]] so obtained is of a clear straw color, with a smooth bland taste, a rather agreeable faint odor suggestive of chocolate, and has a specific gravity of 0'8642.

  At a temperature of about 10 [[degree symbol]] C. a portion of