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Curator Reports
Materia Medica
1887 - 1888
[[double underlined]] Report on the Section of Materia Medica in the U.S. National Museum, 1888 [[double underlined]] 
Annual Report
Materia Medica Section of the U.S. National Museum, for the year ending June 30th 1888. [[/strikethrough]]
By [[double underlined]] James M. Flint, M.D., USN, Honorary Curator. [[/double underlined]]
The former Curator of the Section, Dr. H.G. Beyer, U.S.N., having been ordered to other duty
by the Navy Department in October last, the Section was left without an official head until
April of this year, although the present Curator was requested to look after the interests of the
collection, during the interregnum, and gave to it a portion of his time. There has been no
assistance of any kind in the Office since October last, and only