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Jy 31 - ! off the Foreland - 20th righted it - Best 86

Aug 1st - . 1576 - Calm - P. M. Hoisted out the Boat
Rowed to Ice Isl - close by - 2 Cables [[?]]
Sounded 16 fths - little stones
" [[Dittos for Sounded]] again with a [[?]] shot - 100 fths - fair [[?]]

2nd - - - - - - " [[Dittos for Sounded]] 1/4 mile from Iceberg - 60 fths -  rough grown
4 P.M. " [[Dittos for Sounded]] 90 fthm  - small black stones
little white Ditto [[stones?]] like pe[[?]]
Tide setting to the shore

3 - Course SSEatly - Lay to - -

4 - Calm & Thick with great Sea

5th - S X E 2 leagues - 8 A. M. - Course Eastly.

6 - S Wstly - clear - 

7 - Plying near the shore - then stood off again

8 - Standing in shore - 

9 - Sounded - no bottom at 130 fthm - Calm weath [[page cut off]]

10 - Rowed to an Isld. 1 league from the main
Tide SW alongshore

11 - Lat 63°.'8 - Entered the Strait

12 - Course towds. Gabriel's Id - 10 leagues dist. -

12.  Entd a Sandy Bay & anchored - the Land ESE
     called [[underlined]]Prior's Point[[/underlined]] 8 fathoms. Wt -- 10 leagues from Job. Id
14. Wayed & entd. another sound in 8 fths. fair sand &* black o[[cut off]]
    took in fresh water & caulked ship -

15. Sailed to Prior's Bay a [[underlined]]mile[[/underlined]] fr. the last place

16. At Anchor -

17 - Came to Thos Wms Id

18 - Sailed NNW} came to Burcher's Id - anchd in 23 [[cut off]]
     10 leagues}                              tough [[cut off[[
     fr.T.Wm Id}

19 - At anchor - communicated with the natives -

20 - Wayed & went to E. side of Burcher's Id & Natives -  - lost 5 of the crew

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[bottom half of an embossed stamp on paper, upper right corner, reversed, possibly on page beneath, probably reads: LEACH 86 NASSAU ST. N.Y.]]

21 - On & off Burcher's Id & Sound close by -
                        named the 5 men Id. -
     [[?EoS]] anchd in 30 fths. ooze -

22 - Wayed - went  to where lost 5 men -
     [[underlined]]Rowed[[/underlined]] down to T Wms Id & anchd

26 - Wayed homeward - [[underlined]] Noon [[/underlined]] off Trumfet's Id.
27 - Off Gabriel's Id -
     8 P.M. C. Labrador - W. ten leagues - 62 . 20 - 52 . 45

28 - Course S.E. to Sea - - [[?60/ 39.6/6.36]]   61 . 20 - 50 . 45

29 - SEbE -- 66 miles        ____________________ 60 . 50 - 49 . 4[[cut off]]

30   ____________________________________________ 60 . 20 - 48 . [[cut off]]

31   ____________________________________________ 59 . 50 - 47 . [[cut off]]

Sep 1 - AM. sighted Friesland 24 miles off ______ 59 . 30 - 46. [[cut off]]
      6th ran along Friesland
      5 A.M. [[?sth ?part]] East 30 miles