Viewing page 7 of 38

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[[a complex page of tables and notes]]
[[first table]]
|Civil Time|Chron. Time|Altitude|Latitude|Longitude|Remarks|[[pre-printed 7]]
|Oct 12/60 Noon|   |[[circumpunct (sun symbol)]] [[underlined]]Art Horiz. 38.33.00[[/underlined]] 19.16.30|62.50.35|   |5 A.M. Ther. 26° Bar. 29.375 Noon Ther. 40° in shade Bar. 29.375|
|   |Rescue Hr North of place of observation 30|   |   |
|   |   |   |[[double underlined]]62.51.05[[/double underlined]]|   |   |
[[wavy line across page]]
Tues Oct 16th|Fine morning, W W,Bar.28.025, Ther 30°| Tues Oct 16|
|Wed. Oct 17 Meridian|   |[[circumpunct]] 17.30.00|Lat. of ship 62°.51'.05"|   |W. Oct 17 Observation taken with a land horizon 5/8 mile off. [[line]] 9:30 P.M Ther 19° Bar 29.275|
[[wavy line across page]]
[[/first table]]
[[second table]]
|[[date]]|[[notes, weather]]|[[dated]]|
|Th. Oct. 18|Commenced a gale _8 P.M. Snowstorm _|Th. [[underlined]]Oct 18[[/underlined]]|
|           |A.M. Bar. 29.412, Ther. 36°, Noon Bar 29.325, Ther 33°, 10 P.M. Bar. 29.000|   |
|Th Oct. 25|wind strong from N.W. Bar. all day 29.525, Ther A.M. 11°|[[underlined]]Th. Oct 25[[/underlined]]|
|          |7 P.M. wind died away. _ Noon 15 1/2  Evg 15|   |
|Sat Oct. 27|Gale from N.W. Bar., Noon 29.287, Ther. 6°. _ |[[underlined]]Sat Oct. 27th[[/underlined]]|
|          |    " [[for Bar.]] 1 P.M. 29.350 _ " [[for Ther.]] 4° _|
|          |                   3 P.M. 29.500 _ " [[for Ther.]] 0°! Therm at zero. 
|          |wind unabated      6 P.M. 29.537 _ " [[for Ther.]] -2° _ Sun descending Moon rising -|   |
|          |Gale very strong   9 P.M. 29.600 _ " [[for Ther.]] -1 1/2 _|   |
|Sun Oct. 28|Wind [[underlined]]fresh[[/underlined]] from N.W. _ Noon " [[for P.M.]] 30.000 " [[for Therm.]] +13 1/2 _|[[underlined]] Sun Oct 28|[[/underlined]]|
|          |  Evg " [[for Bar.]]29.950 _ " [[for Therm.]] 17|   |
|Tues. Oct. 30|10 P.M. Wind East _ " [[for Bar.]] 29.475 _ " [[for Therm.]] 29 ~||[[underlined]] Tues. Oct. 30|[[/underlined]]|
|Wed Oct. 31|9 P.M. Wind WSW Cloudy - " [[for Bar.]] 29.375 _ " [[for Therm.]] 27 1/2||[[underlined]]Wed Oct 31|[[/underlined]]|
[[wavy line across page]]
[[/second table]]
[[third table, same headings as first table]]
|Civil Time|Chron. Time|Altitude|Latitude|Longitude|Remarks|
|Sat Nov 3rd Meridian|   |[[circumpunct (sun symbol)]] 11.39.00|62.51.05|   |[[underlined]]Saty Nov 3[[/underlined]] 10 P.M. - Bar.29.962 Wind N.N.W, sky clear.|
[[wavy line across page]]
[[/third table]]
[[fourth table]]
|T. Nov. 6th| A. M.  | Noon | P. M. | 11 P. M.| [[underlined]]Tues. Nov. 6.[[/underlined]]|
|          |Ther. 28°|  30° |  25°  |   21°   |    |
|        |Bar. 29.225|29.225|29.200 |29.450   |Temp of Sea 28
|        |wind E.S.E.| East | South |West a gale|   |
[[wavy line across page]]
[[/fourth table]]
[[fifth table]]
Comparison of the 2 Chronometers
|Th Nov. 8th|Rescue' Chron.  |  Geo Henry's Chron   |[[underlined]]Th. Nov. 8[[/underlined]]|
|    |on May 28/60 - Fast m3..s40|on May 28/60 - Fast - m00..s26|See Decr 7/60|
|    |Gain 1 3/10 per day}   |Gain 1/2 sec per day|   |
|    |  " in 164 days =} 3.33| " in 164 days = 1..22|   |
|    |                   _____|                _____|   |
|    |       Fast - - -  7.13|    Fast  -      1..48|   |
|    |       Time    3..56..00|   Time     3..49..59|   |
|    |               _________|            _________|   |
|    |   True time   3..48..47| True time  3..48..11|
|    |               3..48..11|                     |   |
|    |               _________|            _________|   |
|    |Difference bet. Chronom. 00..00..36|          |   |
[[line across page]]
[[/fifth table]]
[[sixth table]]
[[date]]|[[notes & data]]|[[date]]
|Fr. Nov 9th|Wind fresh & steady from N.W. all day|[[underlined]]Fr. Nov 9[[/underlined]]|
|    | A. M.          Noon   6 P.M.  10 P.M.  11 P.M.  |   |
|    |Bar. 30.162    30.350  30.400  30.462   30.500|   |
|    |Ther. 21 1/2°  22 1/2°   15°   12°|   |
|Wed Nov 14th|Wind fresh from the South and Cloudy|[[underlined]]Wed Nov 14[[/underlined]]|
|    | 10 P.M. Therm 29° - Bar. 29.525 -|   |
[[/sixth table]]

Transcription Notes:
For how to transcribe tables, see examples, pp 3-6