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[[preprinted blue number: 13]]
|Civil Time|   A. M. |  °  | Noon | P. M. |[[double underlined]Fr. Ap. 5. 1861|
|Fr. Ap. 5/61|Therm. |  14 | +12  | -4    |wind light N.W. all day|
|          |Bar.    |29.50 |29.00 |28.375|Weather very fine}
]]dashed line across page]]
Observations in Rescue Bay, Variation of Compass N.61.W.
|Paces.... [[underlined]]Note[[/underlined]]. Paces to be doubled 2.4 feet each step. -|
[[wavy line]]
[[underlined]]1/2 No.[[/underlined]]
[[three boxes]]
[[left box]]
  400 x 2 x 2.4
  300 x 2 x 2.4
{ 600}
 1600 x2 x 2.4
[[left box]]
[[center box]]
Course  Common Pocket Compass
----290 [[linked to 400 paces]]
----300 [[linked to 300 paces]]

----280 [[linked to 1600 paces]]
[[/center box]]
[[right box]]
Numbered from Nth, round E. and S.
[[small box inside right box]]
[[image: inverted "V" with a pennant on top, Hall's image for "Tupik" or tent.]]
[[/small box]]
[[to the right of the small box]]
[[double underlined]] Position [[/double underlined]]
[[/right box]]
[[boxed in right margin]]
[[underlined]] Remarks [[/underlined]]
Ap. 5/61
[[wavy line]]
[[underlined]by Sextant[[/underlined]]
h4..m6 P.M. [[circumpunct (sun symbol)] to French Head _ 64°.15'
             " [[circumpunct (sun symbol)] " [[for to]] Parker's Bluff 42.30
Parker's Bluff to Peak of Grinnell Mount 105°.30'
Grinnell Mount to Buddington  Do [[for Mount]] 70°.10
Cyrus W. Field Grinnell Mt. _ 18.30
[[circumpunct (sun symbol)] to Grinnell Mt. Peak 79°.25'
[[wavy line]]
4.28.45 P.M. Bearings by Az. Compass      Ap 5/61
Parker's Bluff - - - - - - [[strikethrough]]D?[[/strikethrough]] 73.30
Grinnell Mt. - - - - - - - 328.00
C.W. Field Mt. - - - - - - 346.00
Buddington Mt. - - - - - - 257.00
French Head  - - - - - - - 116.00
[[wavy line]]
|Paces 1620 x 2 x 2.4 feet = | Course* Az. Comp. 328°|Position [[image: inverted "V" with a pennant on top, Hall's image for "Tupik" or tent.]]|*[[underlined]]Note[[/underlined]] this Course direct to Griml Mt.|Ap/5/61|
[[wavy line]]
French Head - - - - - - 115°.00
Parker's Bluff  - - - - 79.00
Buddington Mt.  - - - - 237.00
Pt Look Out - - - - - - 167.00
The "Geo. Henry" (ship) 212..00
"Straight Ahead Mt."  - 278..00
[[wavy line]]
|Paces|Course Az. Comp|Position|    | Ap 5/61|
| 200 x 2 x 2.4 ft = |257°|    |    |
|    |    |    |    |    |
| 600|    |    |    |    |
|1400|    |    |    |    |
|____|    |    |    |    |
|2000 x 2 x 2.4 = |Direct to ship|[[image: inverted "V" with a pennant on top, Hall's image for "Tupik" or tent.]]| at Ship|    |
[[wavy line]]
Observations from Vessel     Ap 5/61 
[[note in right margin]]
Compared Watch with G. H.;s Chron.
on my return G. Time h10.m35.s55
  Watch [[underlined]] 6. 09. 00
                       4. 26 .55
[[/note in right margin]]
Pt Look Out _ by Az. Compass - - 107°.00'
Straight Ahead Mt  - - - - - - - 300..00
C.W. Field Mt  - - - - - - - - - 350..00 [[in pencil: ,410-50]]
French Head    - - - - - - - - - 113.00  [[in pencil: 173-7]]
Parker's Bluff - - - - - - - - - 76.00  [[in pencil: 136.44]]
Buddington Mt  - - - - - - - - - 257.00 [[in pencil: -317-43]]
Grinnell Mtg - - - - - - - - - - 336.00 [[in pencil: 396-36]]
By Sextant
Parker's Bluff to French Head - - 39°.27'