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[[preprinted blue page number: 31]]
Sat Ap.13/61 P.M.  Observations for Variations of Compass   Saty Ap 13/61
Time         Bearing
h6.m56.s18   N 12°.0' W
The working of this gave ☉ [[sun symbol]]; True Alt. 2°.17'.26
True Azimuth N. 73.54W
Obs.   Do    N  12.00 W
   Variation    61.54 W
Today, Measured Dist fr. Base of Budt Mt. to vessel in direct line.  Found it to be 4455 feet - consequently my pacing is too short for the measure I allow - to wit 2 5/10 feet.
From measurement, and the Angles have calculated the height, and find it to be 493 feet above level of sea. _
[[image: triangle with baseline labeled 3003 ft; left angle 4.20; angle of line from peak to midpoint of baseline labeled 8.00]].
[[wavy line across page]]
Sun Ap. 14/61 P.M.  Chron. fast  Observations for Time  [[double underlined]]Sun. Ap. 14/61[[/double underlined]]
Times  10°.37'. 3  Altitudes  Eq. of time +s10
h m  s    Art. Hor.
8.21.27 -- 46.35  I. Err.
  22.52 -- 46.17  -1.45
  26.19 -- 46.05
  27.35 -- 45.20
_______    _____
  98.13   184.17
_______   ______
8.24.33    46.04.15            Latitude  Mean Time found
=======    ======== True Alt. 23.15.09   62.52.00  h3.m47.s22
[[wavy line across page]]
Mony Ap 15/61   A.M.       Noon    P.M.   [[double underlined]]Mony Ap 15/61[[/double underlined]]
            Ther. -8°      +$      -4  Clear pleasant day
           Bar.28.725     28.700   28.600
           Wind N.W. light N.E. light NNE light
[[wavy line]]
[[underlined]]Notes of trip to Explore and Determine Bay.[[/underlined]]
9.A.M. [[underlined]]Left the ship - Note[[underlined]] The Pacing to be multiplied by 2 x 2 3/10, except the last, which is to be as indicated (2) instead of 2.3.  The result will be in feet
[[two columns in box]]
[[left column]]
|Paces (No 1)|Course|    |
|1200 x 2 x 2 3/10|352°|[[image: inverted V with pennant on top, Hall's symbol for Tupik (tent}]]|
[[wavy line]]
Lupton Mount  - - - 123°
G. T. Jones " [[for Mount]] 138.5
Vessel - - - 173.5
Grinnell Mount  - - 335
Straight Ahead Mt.  278
Look out Isld (Centre)  147
 "            (R. T.)   140
 "            (L. T.)   150
Parker Bluff  - -  85.5
[[double wavy line]] 
|Paces No 2| Course|    |
|600|342|   |
|193| " |   |
| 50|260|   |
|600|338|[[image: inverted V with pennant on top]]
|2400| " |   |
|1350| " |   |
| 200| 10|   |
| 200|344|   |
| 300|352|   |
| 300|314|   |
| 350|314|   |
Here at the head of a 
Small Bight; thence to a
rocky rise, 1/4 mile 195°
overlooking the water and
Islands around.  Here on
the Apex, have dinner.
Observatn Mt. [[?]] 168°
Head of Main Bay 2 or 3 miles - N.W
C. W. Field Mt - - - 355
Small Bight =, entered - 172
[[/left column]]
[[right column]]
Back to head of said Bight
ready for return to Point
leading to Observation Mt. -
Paces (No 3) Course
700 to small Mt 136°
230             180
 60             250
to go up Mt Observtn [[image: inverted V with pennant on top]]
French Hd. - -  ^[[by Az. Comp]] 128
Parker Bluff  121
C.W. Field Mt 354
Head of Bight 351
Dinner Point  348
By Sextant
C.W. Field Mt }
to            } 118.5°
Parker's Bluff}
French Hd     }
Buddingtn. Mt.}  43°
Buddingtn. Mt. - ^[[By Az Comp]] 170°
Lupton Mt. - - 127
Snow Bluff opp. side}
          Rescue Bay} - 46
Top of Inclined Plane   80
Mount, [[?d]] of Main Bay }
              2 miles off } 321
Peak Grinnell Mt }
1/2 mile off     } 243
" [[for Peak]] of Mtn. to right}
                    2 miles off} 204
N.E. Ext. Hall Isds. - 162
G. T. Jones Mt.   137.5
☉ [[sun symbol]] Mark - - 115
[[\right column]]