Viewing page 21 of 38

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Continued from preceding Page
[[preprinted blue page number: 33]]
Mon Ap. 15/61     [[double underlined]]Mon. Ap. 15/61[[/double underlined]]
[[two column box]]
[[left column]]
Return to base of Obs Mt. to
point I left Sea Ice to go up.
Now direct for Home
Bearing of Obs. Mt. from
my starting point for  home
Obs. Mt. - - - 288°
Paces Course
700   170°
300   144
[[wavy line]]
Obstn Pt. - - - 326°
Grinnell Mt - - 304
Snow Bluff  - -  43
Top of Incline Plane 69
Peak of Mt entered above
and "to the right" - 363
[[/left column]]
[[right column]]
Paces Course
600   144°  [[image: inverted V with pennant on top]]
[[wavy line]]
Vessel        160°
Obstn Mt - -  331
Grinnell Mt   314
C.W. Field Mt 349
Buddington Mt 176
[wavy line]]
Paces Course to ship
5270   160°
[[double underlined]]Arrived on Board 7 P.M.[[/double underlined]]
[[/right column]]
[[wavy line across page]]
Tues. Ap.16/61 (My First) [[underlined]]Observations taken with Pocket Sextant [[/underlined]] Tues [[strikethrough]]Wed[[/strikethrough]] Ap. 16.61
Mean Time
Rescue Harb.
h5..m6..s10  Dist. ☉ & ☽︎ [[sun & moon symbols]] - 72°.55' in ^[[calculated below]] True Alt. ☉ [[sun symbol]] 15°.25'.25" - Alt. of ☽︎ [[moon symbol]] Obs. - ^[[ [[?]] 99°.40']] 49°.50'.00"
Result gives 64°.28' Long. W. of Rescue Hr. -
[[in pencil]]
? Insert computation]]
[[/in pencil]]
[[wavy  line across page]]
Wed Ap. 17/61   Lunar Observation   [[double underlined]]Wed Ap 17/61[[/double underlined]]
Mean of six obs.
Chron. Time  Dist ☉| |☾︎| [[presumably indicating edges of sun & last quarter moon]] Alt. ☉[[underlined sun symbol, presumably indicating measured from bottom of arc]] Alt. ☽︎ [[underlined moon symbol, presumably indicating measured from bottom of arc]]
h8.m30'.s55.3"    84°.32'.42.5"      22
[[in pencil]]
see if not great error here -
[[remainder half of page is blank]]