Viewing page 23 of 38

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Sat 4 Ap 20/61 Cont'
Lunar Distances by Resolutes' Sextant
Ind Error -1.45 
[[preprinted blue page number: 37]]
Sat 4 Ap. 20/61 Cont
Chro. Time    ☽︎ & ☉

8.12.45 _________ 122.30.30
  20.35 _________ 33.00
  23.37 _________ 33.45
  33.55 _________ 39.30
  36.55 _________ 41.00
  39.35 _________ 43.00
  43.45 _________ 45.00
  46.50 _________ 45.45
  49.40 _________ 47.15
  57.00 _________ 57.30

   By Pocket Sextant
Observation at the meridian passage of the moon.
Artif. Horizon _ _63°.00'
Therm + 10
[[in pencil]]
           ? working up - see dates in Journal
[[wavy line across page]]
Sun Ap 21/61  A. M.  Noon  P. M.  Sun Ap. 21/61
       Ther. +4°     +8°   +4°
      Bar. 28.375  28.000  28.875
Noon  Alt. ☉
77°.46' By Pocket Sextant,Artif. Horiz. -
Result is Latitude 62°.52'.40"
P.M.  Three Observations by Capt. B. made Longitude
65 .35. 15
65 .25 .0

Transcription Notes:
The moon phase symbol I used is facing the opposite direction than the original text There are numbers for I believe navigation degrees and I do not know how to type them. Basically a number with a degree symbol above it.