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[[pre-printed blue page number 54]]
Sat Ju 1/61
11.37 A.M. [[?symbol]] (opposite)
Observations for Lat.
|Chron.|Art. Hor|[[circumpunct (sun symbol]]' Az|
4.26.40| 98°.1 |   |
| 31.10|     2|120|
| 35.00|     3|118|
| 37.25|     4|   |
| 40.50|     4|117|
| 43.25|     3|   |
| 46.30|  98.0|116|
| 51.00| 97.55|113|
| 53.35|    53|112|
| 59.15|    43|110|
|______|______|   |
|     |Result|   |
|     |Lat.|   |
|     |62.50.10|   |
|At h7.m11.s30 [[circumpunct]] to Grinnell Peak (W.) 87°.33'|^[[/for Time]] h7.m18.s45 - 81°.24'|
|       23. 00                       Do              85 .00 |
Obs. for Time P.M.                                         |
|6.35.20   ^[[Art.H]] 88.36 |    6.51.40             86.12  |  6.5.35  83.43|
|  37.50                 12 |                               |    8.30     16|

For Time h9.m37.s00 ^[[Art. H. [[Circumpunct]]]] 52.00 | 9.48.40 | 49.18 |
             38. 25                              51.40 |   51.10 | 48.45|
[[vertical pencil note in left column]]
See this date in journal for Charting ? if nt better as these
[[/vertical pencil note in left column]]

9.43.15 [[circumpunct]] to Mid . Hall Isld. 120°.36'
9.56. 7 [[circumpunct]] to G.T. Jone Mt.             95.15

see opposite [[]?+]] Mer. obs. Pt. - Bearing 29S, Dist 600 ft. _

Transcription Notes:
The pencil note ("see opposite') probably refers to two notes on the opposite (facing numbered} page [pre-printed number 55 (Project page 35)] "A Point at where Mer. [for Meridian] obs. taken" and "{A arrd at Pt extending outside Bay, where I made Obs."