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324   264
Ju 9/62  [[pre-printed page no. 59 in blue]]
[[image: Scribbly sketch or sketches running down the page, not sure if one continuous sketch or three.  Beginning at the top sketch, a topological drawing or contour line map centered on a circle on a small island in a bight between two mountains labeled "Camp 40 N 36 E".  There is a note at the top of the page "Small Island" with a line pointing to the small island.  Extending out from the Camp are a series of lines, presumably bearings to other features.  Down to the right at 45° are parallel squiggles  labeled "S 54 E Pass" between two "mountains."  Almost straight down is a line to a point labeled "58 W Peak."  Down to the left is a line labeled "Deposit [[?]]" with various numbers along the line. Off to the left of the Camp is feature (island?) labeled "Bluff with Gap, Gap 22" with two lines from Camp to the perimeter of the feature, lower line labeled [[?78 ?S2]] and the upper line labeled [[?S8]].

It is not clear whether the sketch in the center of the page is connected to the sketches at the top or bottom of the page, but they seem to be related.  The center sketch is another topolocical map with contour lines labeled top feature [[?Mt WK]]; bottom feature [[?Peak ?Mt ?Wowk]].

The bottom sketch appears to show a coastline and  two islands.  The top island is labeled "Hall's Smaller Id" and the bottom island is labeled "Bear Id."  The two islands are connected by a line labeled "S.32W."  There are other labeled bearing lines eminating from Hall's Smaller Island."]] 

Transcription Notes:
Some date confusion? All other pages in this Project are dated 1861, this page 1862. Hall describes the area (June 9th 1861) on pp 303 - 304 in his book: "We returned to the sledge, and thence back about a quarter of a mile to a bight flanked by two high mountains." "Hall's Smaller Island" is mentioned on pages 305 & 312.