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[[a long sheet of paper consisting of five panels and a flap separated by fold-marks.]]
[[image: the image appear to be a schematic shoreline and islands running down the full length of the five panels.  Each inlet, bay, peninsula, etc., is labelled, from top to bottom:]]
[[first panel]]

Alg-len-nuk-turn [[inlet (all indentations designated as "inlet", most labels are very small and indistinct)]]
[[encircled A]] Inlet Ki-o-lik-turn A [[inlet with islands]]
Koong [[?river]]
See-see-uk-ju-a [[harbor?]]
[[very faint]]
[[two unreadable words]]
[[?kenny ?river]]
[[/very faint]]
[[end first panel]]
[[start second panel]]
[[long jagged shoreline labelled: King-gaite]]
Koo-nek-tun [[inlet]]
Ken-nek-tun [[inlet]]
[[in water]] [[?en-?kerry]]
Ik-ki-li-ser-zhang [[encrcled 1]] [[inlet]]
Ek-ki-li-sun zhy [[encircled 2]] [[inlet]]
Tik-ki-al-loon [[point )all small protuberances)]]
Is-seuk-toon [inlet]]
X son-muk-ju-arn [[island marked "X"]]
Is-seuk un-on son [[inlet]]
[[encircled "Sou-nou-ching"]] [[small island]]
Koo-tuk-koon [[tip of long peninsula]]
[[off the tip of Koo-tuk-koon are a group of numbered islands:
[encircled 1]] Too-oo-oo-zoon
[[encircled 2]] Tu-jark-too-arn
[[encircled 3]] [[?too-?joon]]
[[encircled ?4]] Ik-pang
[[/off tip of Koo-tyk-koon]]
[[proceeding down the other side of this peninsula]]
[[encircled ?A]] Kin-neh-too-june [[inlet]]
Eck-chang [[point]]
Ok-kie [[point]]
Ku-nek-tu-zhun [[inlet]]
Nutch-che-ar-shoo [[inlet]]
Ken-net-tune [[inlet]]
Ken-net-too-all-too-ju-a [[inlet]]
Ek-ki-loo-ine [[inlet]]
[[nameless point]]
[[here there is a discontnuity of the shoreline but seems to continue on the next panel]]
[[boxed note]]
N. Coast of Hudsons Strait - & King-gaite
Sketch by 
Twu-oon in my Tupic head of Frobisher Bay Aug 24 1861
12th Enc - 2d day
[[/boxed note]]
[[end second panel]]
[[start third panel]]
Suk-bon-sung  [[point]]
Kei-me-u-tik shok-bik]]
Pie-ek-to-lik [[island]]
In-nuj-ong-big [[island]]
Ki-uk-tack-gook [[island]]
Il-loo-ook-took [[island]]
[[boxed note]] 
[[?Coast on Hudson's Strait}
near Seko [[?selon]] in    }
Sketch by
Allokee Aug. 24th 1861
in my tupik Head of
Frobisher Bay 12th Enc.
2d Day.
[[/boxed note
[[/third panel]]
[[start fourth panel]]
Too-loo-kash [[points to last island back on sheet three]]
Suk-su-kite [[inland lake?]]
E-er-loo-lik [[inlet]]
[[between dashed lines]]It-u le-un gook [[/between dashed lines]] ([[?Nuun)]] H.
Sar-koke [[island, maybe w. land bridge?]]
Koo-loomar-wik [[island]]
Too-loo-ar-muk [[island]]
Pu-ke-took [[point]]
[[to the left of the shoreline (onshore?) are four irregular outlines, not sure if mountains, lakes, islands, or? labelled:]]
[[end panel four]]
[start panel five]]
ur-ar-bik [[point]]
[[end of shoreline]]
[[note paper glued on panel five]]
N.Y. Feb. 6th 1864
Every mark of pen & pencil on ^[[ [[blue ink]] the sheet to which this is attached [[/blue ink]] ]] [[strikethrough]] this side of this sheet [[/strikethrough]] was made when at the head of Frobisher Bay, [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] except the words "from David Christie to C F Hall which [[strikethrough]] on wh  [[/strikethrough]] were written on the margin by Mr.Christie of Cin before I left for the N. in 1860
[[signature]] C F Hall
[[end panel five]]