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At the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, held on May 3rd, 1927, Mr. George G. Heye and Mr. Harmon W. Hendricks were respectively re-elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board and Messrs. F. Kingsbury Curtis and Archer M. Huntington were re-elected members of the Executive Committee to serve until the Annual Meeting in the year 1930.
At the same meeting Messrs. Harrington, Orchard, Saville and Hodge with teh Director, Mr. George G. Heye, ex-officio, were appointed as the Staff Committe of the Museum to serve during the coming year.
At this meeting Mr. William E. Harmon, who had been appointed on April 20, 1927, a Trustee of the Museum by Mr. George G. Heye, the grantor, accepted his appointment and took his seat in the board.
Mr. F. Kingsbury Curtis, one of the Trustees, who had served as Treasurer of the Museum since its organization, requested that he be permitted to retire from that office since his frequent absences from the City prevented him from performing his duties as such.  Mr. Curtis's resignation was accepted with regret.  Mr. Thomas Roberts, the Assistance Treasurer, and a member of the Board was appointed Treasurer to fill the vacancy.
At the Trustees' Regular Meeting held on February 7, 1928, Mr. Joseph Keppler, who had been on December 1, 1927, duly appointed by Mr. George G. Heye, Grantor, as a member of the Board of Trustees, accepted his appointment and took his seat in the Board.
The Board of Trustees also held Regular meetings on October 4, 1927 and December 6, 1927.
At the October meeting the Budget for the fiscal year of 1928-1928 was presented and adopted in the sum of $141,119.22 and provision was made for meeting the Budget through subscriptions of members of the Board of Trustees notably of Mr. James B. Ford and Mr. Harmon W. Hendricks, who subscribed $84,000 and $18,000 respectively, and through Mr. George G. Heye's guarantee of the sum of $20,000, through the income on endowment and through gifts for special objects included in the budget.
At this meeting also Major Holstein's Collection of Peruvian relics was authorized to be acquired and at the meeting in December the Chairman reported the acquisition of that Collection for the sum of $8,500., funds for which purpose had been provided through the generosity of Mr. Ford.
At the meeting of the Board on February 7, 1928, the deficit in the Budget for the years 1927 and 1928 was met by subscriptions of the Members of the Board who added 10% to subscriptions they had previously made to that fund.

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The Board at its various meetings received and acted upon the Interim Reports of the Treasurer, received the Reports of the Chairman and Directors as to the various activities of the Museum, received the Reports of the Staff Committee, as to their meetings, and in all cases appropriate action was taken by the Board.  In addition to the Budget requirements provision was made at the various meetings, by subscription, for additional financial requirements,


For Last Fiscal year, April 1, 1927-March 31, 1928

                 Week Days  Sundays  Holidays  Total
April ..........   3,707     2,212    ....     5,919
May ............   2,327     1,847    326      4,500
June ...........   2,035      767     ....     2,802
July ...........   1,996      859     236      3,091
August .........   2,999      787     ....     3,786
September ......   2,459     1,270    325      4,054
October ........   2,452     1,691    212      4,355
November .......   2,506     1,897    400      4,803
December .......   2,757      922     375      4,054
January ........   2,420     2,300    293      5,013
February .......   2,391     2,643   1,184     6,218
March ..........   2,793     1,694    ....     4,487

    Total.......  30,842    18,889   3,351    53,082

Attendance for fiscal year April 1, 1926 to March 31, 1927.. 49,671
Total attendance, since opening of Museum ...... 306,331


there have been the usual changes during the year of exhibitions, not only in the addition of certain specimans, but also the substitution of tribal exhibits from new areas for those which had been on exhibition for the past few years.


all the duplicate collections have been removed from the main Museum building to the Annex building, on Eastern Boulevard, in the Bronx.  This work was completed by the first of July, 1927.
In the Annex building attention was first given to the assortment and proper storage of the ethnological material, which is now practically completed.