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The assortment and storage of the archeological material is also well advanced, being about ninety per cent. completed.

Through the generosity of our late Vice-President, Mr. Harmon W. Hendricks, during the past summer the entire grounds were graded, paths laid out and the plot sown with grass seed, and a sprinkling system installed through the entire tract. A hot-bed was also installed and compost was brought in for soil dressing. In deference to Mr. Hendrick's desire, the garden will be known as the Thea Heye Garden. 


There has been no change in the status of the real estate owned by the Museum, situated on the triangular block bounded by St. Nicholas Avenue, St. Nicholas Place and 151st Street. At present there is one house vacant of tenants, the Museum still retaining one of the houses, as always for the housing and care of the Physical Anthropological Department. 

Mr. James B. Ford has most generously continued his donations equivalent to the amount of taxes and interest on the mortgage of this property. 


The following additions were made on the Museum staff during the current year:

Apr. 6, 1927, Miss Mabel Auwell, Stenographer. 
May 1, 1927, Mr. Louis Schellbach, 3rd, Scientific Staff.
May 1, 1927, Mr. Leonard Drake, Gardener.
July 7, 1927, Mr. Patrick J. Murray, Porter
Nov. 1, 1927, Miss Delight Ansley, Assistant Librarian. 


Baffin Island. Starting on June 11, 1927, Mr. Donald A. Cadzow, of the Museum staff, accompanied the expedition headed by Dr. George P. Putnam in order to study the ethnology and archeology of the Eskimo tribes of Baffin Island and the Hudson Bay district. A very comprehensive and unique collection was obtained from the Sikosuilarmiut, Akuliarmiut, and Quaumauangmiut, who reside on the south coast of Baffin Island. Archeological explorations were also made on Baffin Island and Labrador, where many unique specimens of the ancient Eskimo culture were found. 

Nevada. Through the generosity of Mrs. Thea Heye, Mr. M.R. Harrington continued his studies of the Pueblo culture area in southwest Nevada and through his work we have been enabled to add greatly to our knowledge of

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the life and habits of this ancient tribe. Mr. Harrington, also, conducted a cave exploration on the Pyramid Lake Reservation, and was most successful in recovering a large collection of the material culture of the former inhabitants of the coves. 

Texas. Upon completion of his work in Nevada, and continuing the Mrs. Thea Heye expedition, Mr. Harrington went to El Paso, Texas, and extended his research among the Pueblo ruins to the west of that city. When engaged in this work Mr. Harrington heard of numerous caves one hundred and twenty-five miles southeast of El Paso, in the Chisos Mountains, which is south of Marathon, Texas. He transferred his expedition to that location and has found many caves and rockshelters that contain vast archeological deposits. Mr. Harrington is still continuing his expedition in that locality and the results of his activities will not be known for some time. 

Montana. Mr. W. Wildschut conducted a short expedition among the Crow Indians and collected several most valuable ethnological specimens. 

New York. Mr. F.P. Orchard did some digging at Port Washington, Long Island, in an Indian cemetery, uncovered during road-making work. A valuable collection of pottery, stone and bone articles was obtained. 

New York. Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore visited the Onondaga Reservation, in New York state, in order to obtain plants and seeds from the Seneca Indians, a collection in which he was most successful. 

Guatemala. Through the generosity of Mrs. Thea Heye, Dr. S.K. Lothrop left New York on February 17th for Guatemala to collect a representative set of costumes from the many Indian tribes in that country. Dr. Lothrop is still in the field and the results of his expedition are not yet known, although from letters received he seems to have been most successful. 


The museum is indebted to Mrs. Thea Heye for many valuable gifts, including collections for archeology from Columbia, Peru, Panama, Mexico, British Columbia, and New Mexico; also ethnological collections from the Oglala Sioux, Haida, Pomo, Salish, Pawnee, Yurok, Eskimo, Nootka, Nahane, Puma, Tlingit, Apache, and the Araucanian Indians. 

Mr. Harmon W. Hendricks presented to the Museum an extensive collection of ethnological specimens from the Yurok Indians of California, and archeological collections from Peru and Guatemala, as well as from the Province of Salta, Argentine.

Through Mr. James B. Ford's generosity, the Museum obtained a most valuable collection made by Major Otto Holstein at Chan Chan, Peru. This

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