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collection contains, without question, the finest bronze and silver work that has yet been recovered from the ruins of Peru.
Mr. Ford has also presented to the Museum a valuable collection of sheet gold clothing ornaments from the Province of Lipez, Bolivia.


During the past fiscal year the Museum has acquired various ethnological collections from the various tribes of the Eskimo of South and North Greenland;  the Nascapee, Catawba, Mistassini;  Seri Indians, of Sonora, Mexico;  Tlingit;  Pomo;  Chippewa;  Nes Perces;  Arapaho;  and the Lengua tribe of the Chiquitos Indians of Eastern Bolivia.
Among the archeological collections obtained by the Museum was material from Guatemala, Costa Rica, New Mexico, Peru, British West Indies, Porto Rico, and Mexico.


The following made gifts to the Museum of specimens, photographs, etc.:

Abbott, Mrs. G. I.
Ballena, Mr. Charles F.
Bayless, Miss Marie
Beard, Mr. Daniel Carter
Benedict, Mrs. Howard C.
Bird, Mr. Junius
Blackie, Rev. W. R.
Bolton, Mr. Reginald Pelham
Bonawit, Mr. George
Borein, Mr. Ed
Brooking, Mr. A. M.
Bullis, Mr. Howard P.
Calvao, Mr. J. Tozzi
Calver, Mr. William L.
Comer, Mr. Chester
Conkling, Mr. R. P.
Dabb, Miss Edith M.
Darrot, Mrs. Paul G.
Davis, Mrs. Walter W.
Deigan, Mr. James V.
de la Torre, Dr. Carlos
de Long, Miss Lilian
de Santiago, Mrs. Alice L.
Dorman, Mrs. James C.
Doulton, Mrs. Harry J.
Doyle, Mr. John T.
Durbin, Mrs. A.
Emmons, Lieut. G. T.
Erskine, Mr. A. M.
Evans, Mr. S.C.
Faber, Mr. Sidney
Graham, Mr. Sinclair
Grimes, Mrs. Ralph
Hallenback, Mrs. Lewis
Hamilton, Mr. W. F.
Hart Mirror Plate Company
Harzberg, Mr. M.
Hirsch, Mr. William
Holstein, Major Otto
Ingersoll, Mr. Ernest
Ivins, Mrs. W. M.
Jonas, Mr. Louis
Keppler, Mrs. P.
Kerr, Mr. John Clapperton
Kerr, Mrs. John Clapperton
Kidder, Dr. A. V.
King, Mr. Forest
Latham, Mr. Dudley

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La Voy, Mr. Merl
Lawrence, Mr. John B.
Levy, Mr. Sigismund B.
Lockley, Mr. Fred
Massey, Hon. Vincent
Miller, Mrs. Edward B.
Miller, Mr. Kenneth
Moeran, Mrs. Edward Henry
Moore, Mr. Clarence B.
Nicholson, Miss Grace
Norman, Mr. Fred A.
Nusbaum, Mr. Deric
Oliver, Mr. W.
Orthwein, Miss Lillian
Over, Mr. W. H.
Page, Miss Meredith K.
Phyfe, Mr. William D.
Pitts, Mr. Vitus
Rapper, Mr. Edward
Richardson, Mr. F. H.
Robinson, Dr. E. P.
Charles M. Russell Memorial Committee
Schellbach, Mr. Louis
Schernikow, Mr. Ernest
Scrugham, Mr. J. G.
Simon, Mr. Joseph P.
Smith, Mr. Victor J.
Smith, Mr. William
Speck, Dr. Frank G.
Strother, Mr. W. M.
Swenson, Mr. Edward
Taylor, Mrs. J. C.
Weed, Mr. Edward F.
West, Dr. C. W.
White, Miss A. E.
Winternitz, Mr. L.

Specimens...........................   4,061
Photographs.........................     211
Negatives...........................      89
Colored prints......................       4
Album...............................       1
Gifts to Library (see Library Report)  1,779
Total...............................   6,145


Physical Equipment:  Stacks have been installed in the basement, with shelving sufficient to accommodate the library for ten years at the present rate of growth.  A study room has been made out of the first store room, at the suggestion of Professor Saville, where it is proposed to place Mexican codices, Mexican language books and large folios.  The second store room is designed to be a map room.  The third is a work room and a storage room for duplicates.  The fourth is a general store room for library supplies.  The fifth contains the reserve stock of publications and the archives.

Progress in shelving books:  The periodicals, both old and new, have been placed on the shelves in geographical sequence.  The new accessions have all been plated and stamped.  The classifications number for each series has been affixed.

The Mexican language books have been classified and placed on temporary shelves in the first room.

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