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The Raul R. Barrios collection of archeology from the Department of Rivas, Nicaragua. 

The A. H. Blackiston collection of archeology from Mexico, Peru and Bolivia.

The Jose A. Gayoso collection of pottery, gold, silver, fabrics, stone and beads from Peru.

The J. H. McTavish collection of archeology from Ontario, Canada.

The W. C. Wyman collection of archeology and ethnology. Noteworthy among the archeology is a large and valuable collection of copper implements from Wisconsin. Of interest among the ethnology is the famous sacred albino buffalo skin of the Omaha tribe, and a wampum belt of the Iroquois.

Archeology from Playa de Los Muertos, Ulua River, Honduras, collected by Mrs. Wilson Popenoe.


The following made gifts to the Museum of specimens, photographs, books, etc.:

Agnew, Miss Elizabeth T.
Barrett, Dr. S. A.
Barrios, Mr. Raul R.
Barry, Mr. J. Neilson
Bennet, Mr. F. H.
Bennet, Captain Robert R.
Benson, Mr. Frank W.
Berry, Miss Mazie
Bolton, Mr. Reginald Pelham
Brightman, Mr. Ira S.
Bull, Mr. Norris L.
Calver, Mr. W. L. 
Canfield, Mr. Cass
Clemens, Mrs. James B.
Collins, Miss Leah Frances
Davis, Mr. E. H.
Dean, Mr. F. C.
Deats, Mr. H. E.
de Barreto, Mrs. Marie Luise J.
Delany, Mr. John
de Santiago, Mrs. Alice L.

Dyott, Commander G. M.
Erskine, Mr. A. M.
Fairbanks, Mr. Charles
Famulener, Mr. L. W. 
Fergusson, Miss Emily C. 
Gaines, Miss Ruth
Gerson, Miss Virginia
Goslin, Mr. Robert
Griswold, Mrs. F. Gray
Guenard, Dr. J. L. 
Haffenreffer, Jr., Mr. R. F.
Harlow, Miss Martha E. 
Hartman, Mr. C. S.
Heath, Mr. Albert G. 
Herve, Mr. Roger
Heye, Mrs. Thea
Hodge, Mr. F. W.
Imhof, Mr. Joseph A. 
Jung, Miss L. 
Keppler, Mr. Joseph
Little, Miss Nayan

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Luthy, Mr. W.
McConkey, Miss Elizabeth
McCormick, Mr. Earl
McGuire, Estate of James C.
McNab, Jr., Colonel A. J.
Mitchell-Hedges, Mr. F. A.
Morgan, Mr. Albert
National Resources Intelligence Service
Nelson, Mr. John L.
Oshkosh Public Museum
Oyarzun, Dr. Aureliano
Paris, Mr. Francklyn Wynne
Peacock, Mr. Clyde
Pease, Mr. C. Henry
Pulver, Mr. L. E. 
Ratton, Mr. Charles
Rosenzweig, Mr. Jacob
Schellbach Mr. Louis
Schweizer, Mr. H.
Skinner, Mrs. Alanson B.
Speck, Dr. Frank G. 
Standley, Mr. J. E.

Twitchell, Mr. A. H.
Vignati, Dr. Milciades
Warfield, Mr. and Mrs. William
Warner, Mr. Paul
Waugh, Mr. J. H.
Williams, Mr. Blair S.
Winternitz, Mr. L.
Woods, Mrs. Frederick Adams


Specimens............... 1,938
Photographs.............   155
Negatives...............   259
Postal Cards............     4
Newspaper Clippings.....    17
Fragmentary Books.......     1
Maps....................     9
Manuscripts.............     2
Gifts to Library........ 1,491   
 (See Library Report)

Total................... 3,876


The James B. Ford Library of the Museum was consolidated with the Huntington Free Library and Reading Room, in April, 1930. The Huntington Free Library and Reading Room was founded in 1892 by the late Collis P. Huntington in the old village of Westchester. Under the terms of agreement with Mr. Archer M. Huntington, this library, which has been liberally endowed by him as a memorial to his father, now includes in its collections the original library of the Huntington Free Library and Reading Room, a depository collection from the American Numismatic Society, and the library of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. The library thus amalgamated contains between 25,000 and 30,000 volumes, some 6,000 belonging to the original library, 17,000 to the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, and 2,000 to the American Numismatic Society. An endowment for administrative expenses, for the purchase of books, their binding, and cataloguing is provided in this new plan.

A modern fireproof stack building, with a capacity of 100,000 volumes, was erected for the housing of the combined libraries at 5 Westchester Square,

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Transcription Notes:
Each line indented aside from the list of names indicating gifts. '8' and 'GIFTS' centred on page In the list of names under GIFTS, two columns beginning with "Agnew, Miss Elizabeth T." and "Dyott, Commander G. M."; [on p 9] Luthy, Mr. W and Twitchell, Mr. A. H.