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adjoining the old library building. This latter, containing three spacious rooms was renovated throughout. A corridor connects the two buildings. Ample grounds provide for future growth. In November, 1930, the main library of the Museum was transferred to the new quarters. An automobile has been provided for use between the various groups of Museum buildings. This is available at all times for use by the staff or by readers.

All the pamphlets in the Saville and Hodge collections have been stamped, and the plating of the books in the entire Ford Library has been completed. One thousand one hundred and forty-two titles in linguistics, music and pottery have been added to the depository catalogue of Library of Congress cards. During the past three years 647 new miscellaneous titles have been purchased, making the total number of titles in the catalogue 8,644.

A photostat machine and a dark room have been installed in the new library for photographic work.

The unique gift of the year is a hitherto unrecorded Huron manuscript vocabulary probably dating from the eighteenth century, given by Mrs. F. Gray Griswold in the name of her son, Mr. Cass Canfield, himself a great-grandson of Governor Lewis Cass.

Among other notable gifts are a copy of the rare "Account of conferences held, and treaties made, between Major-General Sir William Johnson, Bart and the chief Sachems and Warriours of the * * * Indian nations in North America * * * London, 1756," privately reimprinted for Mrs. Thea Heye, and presented by her; Hiram Bingham's sumptuous "Manchu Picchu," presented by the National Geographic Society; a photostat copy of a long-sought journal of the Reverend John Sergeant, missionary to the Indians in Stockbridge, Mass., presented by Miss Mabel Choate; numerous valued reprints of Joseph D. McGuire presented by his sister, Miss Mary McGuire; a photostat copy of "Indian place names of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, mostly not found in Douglas Lithgow's dictionary," collected and presented by Mr. William B. Cabot; a manuscript copy of Lucien Rosny's "Les Antilles" presented by Mr. Charles A. Ratton, the rare "Historia de la conquista de Mexico" (Cordoba, 1743) by Ignacio de Salazar Olarte, presented by Mr. Kenneth C. Miller; a copy of a manuscript journal of the Reverend Henry Ellsworth, missionary to the Oto, presented by Mr. Paul Bilhuber; and "Lost Utopias," presented by Miss Clara Endicott Sears.

Mr. F. W. Hodge has continued the generous contributions which augment the library in unusual ways. Other disinterested donors have been the American Bible Society, the American Federation of Women's Clubs, through Mrs. Joseph Lindon Smith, the American Defense Association, the Buffalo

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Courier-Express, the Field Museum of Natural History, the Hispanic Society of America, the Lakeside Press of Chicago, the Russell Sage Foundation, St. Anselm's Priory, the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, the Camp Fire Girls, the various departments of our own government and that of Canada, and over a hundred individuals. 

Miss Gaines the former librarian of this Museum was appointed librarian of the Huntington Free Library and Reading Room in January, 1930, continuing her duties as librarian of the Museum Library until July, when she assumed active charge of the combined collections. 

Statistical Report (April 1, 1930 to March 31, 1931.)

                    Pamphlets   Books  Mss.  Periodicals  Maps  Pictures
Accessions........    1,370      217    25       441       37    42 = 2,132
Gifts.............    1,109      115    22       206        4    35 = 1,491
Exchanges.........       82       55     3       214        5     7 =   366
Publications......       58       ..    ..         3       ..    .. =    61
Memberships.......       50        4    ..        15       16    .. =    85
Purchases.........       71       43    ..         3       12    .. =   129 
   Total...........................................................   2,132

Catalogued during the fiscal year:

Books........................... 1,060
Pamphlets....................... 1,720
Periodicals (Volumes and Issues)   524
Codices.........................    46
Manuscripts.....................    27
Maps............................    38
Photographs, Postal Cards.......    46
Mimeographs.....................     3


During the year Volume VII of Contributions from the Museum was completed by the publication of Bibliografia de las Lenguas Quechua y Aymará, by Dr. José Toribio Medina, consisting of 117 pages, including nine facsimile illustrations, and forming No. 7 of the volume. 

The List of Publications was revised and reprinted in July. This list is used largely in answering inquiries regarding Museum publications. 

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