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The Quarterly Indian Notes was continued through Volume VII, when it was considered desirable to cease publication. The four issues composing the volume contain 581 pages, 4 plates and 148 text-figures. Twenty-eight articles appeared, in addition to the usual lists of accessions to the Museum and the library, notes, etc. 

The New York Academy of Sciences has requested the privilege of examining the manuscript of Dr. S. K. Lothrop's illustrated report on the Archeology of the ParanĂ¡ Delta, Argentine, with a view to its publication, and it has been submitted with this purpose, but final action by the Academy has not yet been taken. 

The sale of the two series of colored postal cards illustrating archeological and ethnological subjects amounted to $245.30 during the fiscal year. 


Satisfactory progress has been made in this department as is shown by the following statistics:
Moving picture film, negative................... 12,028 feet
Moving picture film, positive................... 30,956 feet
Negatives (an increase of 1,499 during the year) 19,959
Prints, of which the Museum does not own the 
negatives (and increase of 315 during the year). 10,023
Lantern slides (an increase of 114 during the 
year)...........................................    686


An exchange was consummated with the Nationalmuseet of Copenhagen, Denmark, for ethnological material from the Eskimo of West Greenland, and East Greenland; and for archeological material from the Sukkertoppen District of West Greenland, in exchange for which this Museum sent to the Nationalmuseet archeological material from the Vicinity of St. Johns, Arizona, Tularosa Canyon and the Mimbres Valley of New Mexico, and ethnological material from the Makah, Pima, Hopi, Zuni and Navaho. 

And exchange of archeological material from the Province of Atacama, Chile, was made with the Valparaiso Museum for Chilean material purchased for this Museum by Dr. S. K. Lothrop.

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Although it is against the policy of the Director to make loans, at the same time several very important specimens could only be acquired in that way for study in the Museum.

A very rare small stone human head from Monette, Craighead County, Arkansas, has been loaned by Mrs. Magruder Gordon Maury.

A pair of deerskin leggings from the Seminole, of Florida, have been kindly loaned by Daniel C. Beard.

A celt and notched axe from Hillsboro, Texas, have been loaned by Robert Uhler.

An interesting pipe tomahawk with inscription upon blade reading "To Chief Tecumseh, from Colonel Proctor, MDCCCXII" from the Shawnee, has been loaned by Joseph A. Imhof.


There have been added to the collections during the past fiscal year 13,020 specimens; and there are now in the entire collection catalogue entries running consecutively to 180,763, an increase during the year of 7,119. Catalogue entries from 175,000 to 175,411 were included in last year's report.


The collections of the Physical Anthropological Department now at the Museum Annex are being rearranged and reclassified. An enlargement of the space necessary for a more adequate storing equipment is greatly needed.

New accessions to the collections comprise:

1. Thirteen skulls and a number of long bones from East Greenland, collected by Captain Robert A. Bartlett on the James B. Ford - Robert A. Bartlett expedition. This material is very valuable as that section of Greenland, so far, has not yielded many skeletons.

2. Additional specimens from the Clarence B. Moore collections, including two original burials in situ.

3. Skeletal material collected by Dr. S. K. Lothrop on his recent Mrs. Thea Heye expedition to Chile.

4. Two femora from ancient sites in Michoacan, Mexico, obtained in the A. H. Blackiston collection.

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