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[[underlined]] Arizona [[/underlined]]. Mr. John L. Nelson continued his work in the Second Mesa of the Hopi in furtherance of his Kachina monograph.

[[underlined]] Colombia [[/underlined]]. An expedition into the Province of Magdalena was conducted by Gregory Mason, where an interesting collection of archaeology and ethnology was obtained. 

[[underlined]] Cuba [[/underlined]]. Captain Robert R. Bennett kindly offered to do some work on the shell heaps at the western end of the island of Cuba at his own expense, the results of his work to be presented to our Museum. Captain Bennett has just returned, after considerable success in this enterprise and we will undoubtedly have many interesting specimens to add to those already in our possession from the island of Cuba.

[[underlined]] Honduras [[/underlined]]. In conjunction with the William Rockhill Nelson Trust of Kansas City, Missouri, an expedition under the leadership of Mr. Gregory Mason was sent to Honduras during the month of February for the purpose of collecting Mayan types of archaeology. This expedition is expected to return June 1, 1932. 

Mr. F. A. Mitchell-Hedges has proceeded to the Bay Islands off the coast of Honduras with the object of adding to the collection he made from there two years ago. Mr. Mitchell- Hedges has been financed privately in this expedition, but informs us that he will divide the results of his work between this Institution and the British Museum of London.

[[underlined]] Labrador: Massachusetts and Connecticut [[/underlined]]: Dr. Frank G. Speck has continued his investigations among the Naskapi; and has made interesting collections from the Gay Head, Wampanoag, Mohegan, Nehantic and Pequot Indians.