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The classification system of the library, based on the Concilium Bibliographicum, has been indexed, typed and carded. Four hundred and seventy-nine volumes were catalogued, and 4,677 cards made and filed. This number does not include cards for periodicals, of which there is a separate file. Of periodicals, 362 are currently received and entered. All accessions have been listed, awaiting cataloguing. Cards are now being printed for those books which do not have Library of Congress cards, on the new Elliott machine. Four hundred and eighteen titles have been added to the Library of Congress Depository Catalogue, making a total of 9,052 titles. Most of the added titles were those of codices. 

Two book lists have been undertaken this year, one being a beginning toward a bibliography of Indian music, arranged and carded by Miss Del Vigne, the other, entitled Books of Indian Arts North of Mexico, compiled by the librarian and published as part of the Program of the Exposition of Indian Tribal Arts, Incorporated.

Statistical Report. (April 1, 1931 to March 31, 1932)
                     Gifts  Purchases Exchanges Memberships Total Total
                     -----  --------- --------- ----------- ----- -----
Books                 449     227        60         5         741
Pamphlets             961     438       114         3        1517
Mss. and Typescripts   80      59         5                   144
Maps                    4      12                              16
Pictures              189      85                             274
Photostats              4      26                              30
Codices                        10                              10
Clippings            1177                                    1177
Periodicals (vols.)   184     204       162        10         560
Periodicals (issues)  334      66        70        15         485
Postcards               6                                       6
                     ----    ----       ---       ---        ---- 
                     3389    1127       411        33        4960  4960 

Transcription Notes:
I didn't see any instructions on how you would like tables handled. This was my best guess.