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laminatus Mayr. 
[[image - hand-drawn Mercury element symbol]] L. 6mm. Castaneo - fer; mandibles,
antennae & apex of tarsi ferrugineous,
shinning, sparsley pilose, Head &
gaster black, mandibles ferrugen-
eous; head anteriorly obscurely red;
tarsi fuscous. Mandibles densely,
finely striate; sparsely punctate,
with blade [[indistinctly]] dentate.
Head finely rugalose, above hardly
convex; occiput slightly emarginate.
Llypens not carinate, not produced
or exised. Thorax finely rugalose.
[[Meso]], base of epinatum compressed,
into vertical lamella, [[posteriorly]]
produced into a triangular tooth,
[[com]] Petiole scali. like, sub-[[guad]]
rangular, convex in front, flat
behind, upper margin acute.
Gaster finely transversly rugalose
striate, with some erect long
yellowish hairs & very sparse
pubesence. Legs
erect pile. Tibriu compressed &
dilated. 1 -[[hand-drawn Mercury symbol]] Ovalau.
[[end page]]
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schmeltzi Mayr.
L. 5.4mm. Black, shining.
tips of mandibles ferrugineous;
antennae fuscous; legs rufo-
castaneous. Mandibles sparsley
punctate; distinctly striate at
apex. Head finely rugulose, with
a few erect hairs,& long apposed
pubescence; above & below strongly
convex; [[vestex]] distinctly depressed,
moderately emarginati. Thorax
finely rugalose, without erect hairs
with sparce yellow pubescence,
Meso & base of epinotum compressed
Petiole sub-[[cubical]], weak, depressed
convex in front, the disc above
rounded, triangular. Gaster densely
finely rugalose striate transversly,
with moderately abundant long
erect hairs & shorter sparse
pubescence. Legs without hair.
[[hand-drawn Mercury symbol]] Ovalau.

Transcription Notes:
Ovalau at the bottom of the page is an island in Fiji, likely where the specimen was collected.