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Colobopsis dentata Mayr
[[virgin female symbol]] 3.5 - 3.8 mm. 
Black, sub-glabeous; Mandibles, thorax & petiole ferrugineous.
Clypeus obscurely ferrugineous; antennae & femora fuscous; tibiae & tarsi testaceous & a little infuscate.  Head 
coarsely reticulate rugulose & densely, finely punctate, anteriorly obliquely [[strikethrough]] [[trunct]] [[/strikethrough]] truncate (but not distinctly).  Mandibles [[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethrought]] somewhat dilated, finely striate & sparsely punctate.  Thorax coarsely reticulate-rugose, wedge-shaped; in front twice as broad as behind; above with a median carina which is interrupted longitudinally.  Meso-epinotal 
suture impressed.  Pronotum much broader than long, the disc flattened. Mesonotum with a transverse carinae. [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]]  Epinotum densely punctate; sub cuboidal, longer than broad, the base horizontally, trapezoidal; behind with two obscure spines. Petiole densely 

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punctate; sub-cubical, above armed with two erect teeth: gaster very shining, finely transversely rugulose striate, with sparse fine appressed hairs.
[[virgin female symbol]]. Ovalan