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Odontomachus angulatus Mayr [[virgin female symbol]]. L.12.5 mm. Absurely castaneous, shining, sub-glabeous. Head, 
mandibles, antennae & legs ferrugineous. Mandibles strongly dentate, with two large apical teeth & a third smaller intermediate. 
Space between antennae & eyes smooth. Front & frontal area densely striate. Vertex smooth, longitudinally sulcate. Pronotum smooth. Meso & epinotum finely transversely striate. Petiole almost smooth, the cone angulate anteriorly above.
[[virgin female symbol]] Ovalan

Pheidole oceanica Mayr.
[[strikethrough]] L. 4 [[/strikethrough]] 4 L. 4-4.4mm. Rufous yellow. gaster infuscated at middle & posteriorly. Mandibles smooth, sparsely punctate. Head strongly striate; behind depressed & rugulose reticulately; sides above 

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eyes reticulate-striate. Clypeus almost smooth, shining, with a short median carina, marginate anteriorly. Scape moderately long, sulcus [[strikethrough]] slen [[/strikethrough]] narrow. Thorax rugulose. Pronatum sub-globose. 
Mesonotum transversely "grooved" at middle. Epinotal spines long & erect. Tibiae & scapes with erect pile.
[[virgin female symbol]] L.1.3. Yellow. shining.

Colobopsis oceanica Mayr.
[[female symbol]]. L.10mm. Shining, rufo-castaneous. Head castaneous, front, vertex & abdomen pilious. Sparsely pilose; scarcely pubescent. Mandible finely striolate; sparsely punctate. 
Head finely coriaceous, not strongly obliquely truncate in front. Clypeus vertical, finely striolate. Front almost smooth, with a few very fine punctures.

Transcription Notes:
(@siobhanleachman) - edited the markup for virgin female symbol to make it consistent with the rest of the project.