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Clypeus quadrangular, scarcely longer than broad, flat, without a median carina. Cheeks convex. Thorax unarmed, microscopically coriaceous. Petiole with a minute, erect thickened scale, thicker than high. Gaster finely rugulose.
Wings. L.9mm. subhyaline.
Stigma & costa ochraceous.

Colobopsis carinata Mayr.
Soldier. L.7.5. Fuscous-pincers. 
Shining. Head in front castaneous, behind (& the mandibles) obscurely castaneor-fuscous. Antennae ochraceous. Posterior coxae & trochanters pale; femora fuscous; geniculue, tibial tarsi testaceous, with very sparse erect pile. Subtilly 

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coriaceous; mandibles punctate & finely rugose striate. Clypeus convex behind, with short longitudinal rugae:; median carina entire, acute. Cheeks [[strike out]] & antennal fossae [[/strike out]] to the clypeus, obliquely rugose, the rugae short. Head in front not strongly obliquely [[?]] truncate. Clypeus prominent. Thorax [[strikeout]] Has [[/strikeout]], at middle & posteriorly compressed. Petiolar scale oval, hardly margined.


Camponotus rufifious [[F???]] Smith
[[hand drawn symbol for Female sex]]. Major. L.5.6 mm. Lusco-piceous. 
Head in front & mandibles ferrugineous. Antennae, epinotum (in part.) petiole, nodi & legs. rufo-ferrugineous. Scarcely pilose & microscopically pubescent