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Mandibles strongly reticulate rugose. Head in front obliquely [[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] truncate, with an acute crenulate margin. Clypeus, cheeks & front strongly reticulate rugulose. Hind half of head finely coriaceous & shining. Clypeus not carinate, slightly narrowed in front. Thorax shining & finely coriaceous, with sparse punctures. Sutures [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] not distinctly impressed. Node thick, sub-quadrate unarmed; margin rounded. Gaster smooth & very shining.

Ovalan & Tonga.

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Cardiocondyla nudus Mayr.

[[hand drawn symbol for Female sex]]. Length.2.2. Fuscous; [[strikethrough]] legs dilatated. [[/strikethrough]] legs lighter; head & gaster darker.; mandibles, antennae & tarsi ochraceous; antennal cheek darker. Body without erect pile, but with sparse pubescence. Mandibles longitudinally striate. Head sub-opaque. Clypeus convex, Frontal area & frons rugulose. Antennae 12 jointed. Thorax sub shining, finely reticulate punctate. (& "exaspar-ators.") Meso-epinotal suture impressed. Epinotum with two triangular teeth. Post-petiole [[culico???]]-rotundate. [[strikethrough]] Al [[/strikethrough]]Gaster smooth & shining.
