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gallery by the pool. As we sat watching the fish this thought occurred to me:

Carp in the Gem Spring dance for bisquits,
Men in offices dance for gold:
I'll be a fish in the jade-green water free;
Time enough to be a man when I'm old.

We left presently, and made our way back along the pleasant grass-grown stone-paved avenue through the trees and graves. Coming once more to the lake side we stopped at a magnificent tomb and monument of Yao Fei. Most noteworthy here is the architecture and decoration of the newly completed buildings. The main hall is in accordance with the regular principle of Chinese building, but the interior is brighter and cleaner than most such places and this is largely due to the unusual use of clear glass windows in the clerestory.  The walls are white, with four large characters cut and paitned in them, and a number of honorific verses are inscribed on tablets hanging from walls and pillars. [[depiction of 4 Chinese characters in left margin]] The shrine is gold and red with an image of the gentleman.  The gardens are attractive and the grave not unusual.  The roof of the main hall is adorned with four groups of warriors near the four corners, which vary the traditional roof design of Chinese buildings in a not unpleasant manner.  This is a very good example of what can be done in modern building along traditional lines.  I hope the work is stoutly and honestly done.  One cannot always tell what is behind the red paint.

We went on along the lake shore and home to our baths, passing on the way the New Hotel, a monstrosity in European style, very good of its hybrid kind, and numerous gorgeous small temples.

Monday to Thursday, 13-17 July

We stayed at home and read and painted fans these four days, for it rained most of the time, and I was a trifle indisposed.  There has been little curtailment of my regular activities, but I have stayed pretty well in one place, doing a minimum of moving around.  This afternoon, however we are going out to explore the world again, and to see if we can find me a haircut.