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foot of a giant old tree that must date at least from the T'ang dynasty. I guessed T'ang and the little old priest told me I was right, that the tree was more than a thousand years old. The hillside was covered here with young bamboos, and there were some criptomerias. I was not able to ascertain just what kind of a tree the very old one was. 

   From here we partly retraced our steps, and then headed up into the hills again towards the Stone House Cave. Here again we found a temple, where a priest sat at a table pulling the rope of the log of wood that acted as a bell striker. The whole main hall had an air of newness that was not to our liking for it was a rather makeshift sort of newness. There is a little garden, and just behind this hall the entrance to the cave. This rather small room, carved out of the hillside contains a large gilt Buddha, and a number of lohans. The report is that there were originally 500 carved out of the rock and that now there are nearly 1000. We examined some of these little figures, most of them not a foot high, seated on rock ledges and in niches all over the walls and ceiling of the cave. Some of them had stone bodies, and a few had badly bruised stone heads. but most had modelled clay heads and many clay bodies.  A few were gilded, but most of them were painted over with red varnish that is used in preparation for the application of gold leaf, but looking as though they never expected the leaf to be applied. Up on the hillside were two more minor caves. The garden was nice and we sat under an open portico to drink tea and look at the trees and rocks and cave. 
   The next visit was to the Cave of the Morning Mist and Sunset Glow. It necessitated some rather higher climbing, and the horses went slowly up the stone paved pathway. Everywhere one wants to go here there seem to be stone paved roadways wide enough for horses or chairs. We passed through a small village at the foot of the South High Peak, and came to the dismounting place near a very modern little house where a Chinese movie company was busy at work on location. It was amusing to watch them for a while, and consider the circumstances under which a girl would stand out on an open porch and allow a man to paint her face for her. The company had come in chairs, and the bearers improved their time