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Wednesday, 22 July

Following what has become our custom we spent the morning at the house. Our upstairs porch is cool in the morning, and rather hot with the sun on it in the afternoon. I made an expedition into town to get some paper for these [[underline]] Memoirs, [[/underline]] and then we had tea and went out for a boat ride.  We crossed to the island of the Three Pools of the Moon's
Reflection, and there were able to make some rather nice pictures. We circled the island and returned to our house.  In the evening I developed a couple strips of film.  One was quite successful, but the other not so good.

Thursday, 23 July

We set out right after lunch and took our boat across the lake and up a little inlet to Mao Chia P'u.  There we started to hike along one of the familiar stone-flagged paths through the rice paddies and came up toward the hills.  After going up for some few minutes we came at a small square pavilion over a pool, bearing the label, [[underline]] Lung Ching, [[/underline]] Dragon Well.  There we started up a series of broad shallow stone steps, and these we climbed, winding up past a wooded inclosure, until we came to a kind of divide.  We had passed an attractive gateway of orange plaster and black wood wickets, and to this we returned.  Descending the path among the forest trees we came to the temple, in rather ill repair, but be fixed up, and went through it to the beautiful spring on its northern side.  This spring comes up into a pool about six feet across, from which the water descends by several artfully made channels until it goes off down the valley.  It is a beautiful spot, with a path winding on up through to forest to the hilltop, and with stone benches, and a small pavilion for the present refreshment of those who will stop here and drink of the tea for which the valley is famous.  We chose to drink, and sat by the pool while the cups of tea were brought out to us.  We loafed there, playing a bit in the icy water, drinking the tea, talking to one of the two priests, a man who had come from a famous monastery is Szechuan, and making some photographs.  We came away and went down the hill through the forest of the temple grounds, following the newly paved pathway.  Near the