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spreading out his cool bright fingers over the city and the surrounding country, touching and polishing the Needle Pagoda with one long forefinger, and making the city clean before men should be well abroad with their genius to befoul it again before nightfall. The beauty of the cool cloudless morning tempted me from my bed and I rose, to write a little indifferent verse which pleased me much.

In the early afternoon, immediately after lunch, we took rickshas and rode out of the city, through narrow streets, and along a white and green canal, to the Six Harmony Pagoda. I had been wanting to visit it again, and to try a couple pictures I had not been able to make succeed the last time. Today we went again, and again we climbed to the top. In the clear sunlight of early afternoon we could see out over the country, to the far blue hills and the distant waters of the bay into which the pirates used to come to terrorize the city. A brisk wind drove the ladenjunks up the green Ch'ien T'ang river. We loafed and enjoyed the scene, then bumped back over the rough paved streets to town and home.

When we had returned and refreshed ourselves we took our supper down to our boat and went out on the lake to enjoy the moon, rapidly nearing its time of fullness for the month. We drifted and paddled about the lake and the islands. After supper we sat, wrote a little verse, and then Dorothy sang for a long while and I lay on my back watching the white moon. A good day, a very good day - and no rain.

Thursday, 30 July 1925

This day is our first "mooniversary," We have been married one month, and are well pleased. This day also is another bright clear cloudless day, with a fine cooling wind, a paradisial day. We had the cook make us some good Chinese food for lunch, and immediately after eating it we got rickshas and rode out along the motor road to visit Ling Yin, the Spirits' Retreat again. Here we loitered along, made some pictures of the place, then wandered into the great hall of the monastery, and sat down to talk to the priests and commune with the gods.