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Tuesday, 18 August 

We had rain today, so no picnics; but in the afternoon we had in several people for tea who could not come or were not invited to the last debacle. They were few enough so that they stayed extra long to make up for their lack of numbers, and when they were gone we went also, for a walk. In the morning we had a good hike in the rain, Dorothy and I, so we felt that the day was not lost. 

Wednesday, 19 August.

We made an all-day hike today to a valley known to some people as Paradise Valley, wherein a stream tumbles down over rocky ledges from green pool to green pool. We went the particular section where the pools are the largest, and where the stream spraying out over the rocks has earned itself the name Peacock Falls. the walls of the valley were too steep to climb on either side, and shut us in with brown-gray and green in a world of our own. Near the so-called upper pool we piled our lunch, and found secluded nooks for dressing in swimming costumes. The water was clear and cold, and, unusual among waters here, good to drink. We swam, lay on the rocks, explored the valley up and down, ate our lunch, and then our supper, and altogether enjoyed ourselves quite thoroughly. We had a good party, and no one else came during the day to interrupt us. In the afternoon several little independent parties wandered up or down, the rocks up stream, and splashed together in the middle pool below the falls. We returned home at sunset watching the P'O Yang lake and the changing lights around the Big Orphan island. 

Thursday, 19 August 

During the day we got in a hike to the Gap to buy us a basket for some of our wedding gifts recently acquired here. In the afternoon we got in a hike in trying to see the Sarvises, and also a swim in the Methodist pool. The Methodists have a corner of the valley to themselves, including a corner on the best srping [[spring?]]. They have their own system of water supply and of land tenure, which is really very good in its way. The world was very