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could come in next day. Having so much stuff stored there it could not be painted during the summer, but I am going to use it for my study this winter, and want it fixed at once. Having got ourselves somewhat settled we bathed (My, it was good to get into a real bath-tub again), dressed, and went over to Ruby's for tea, stopping on the way to say greetings to Aline Stuart. We stayed at Ruby's for tea and supper, then walked up to see Lee and Frieda, catching them just before they got into bed, and having a very good visit with them. And home to our own house and bed, reading a stack of home mail before turning out the light. 
Thursday, 27 August 
I reported at the office this morning, got a bunch of mail and a forecast of our schedule. The painters are busy in the front room, which will be finished tonight with a white ceiling and grey walls to match the rest of the house. In the afternoon we went shopping for furniture for our living room, and got a very good small davenport and a large chair, both upholstered in very dark blue stuff, for the excellent price of $50. They are Chinese-made, and ^[[insertion]] with [[/insertion]] just as good workmanship ^[[insertion]] as [[/insertion]] and better upholstering than the pieces for which the foreigner cabinet-maker asks twice as much. The same afternoon we bought an electric iron and an electric percolator. Also, we had all our meals at home today. 

In the afternoon Frieda and the children came over to bring us a wedding present, a beautiful large mirror framed in a specially-made, hand-carved frame of Chinese redwood. It is a gorgeous and satisfying thing. 

With the trunks we got from the station this morning and the extra boxes of Eleanor's that were in our house, all of which are in the courtyard or Dorothy's small study, we have a very full house. 

Friday, 28 August 

This afternoon we went shopping on Old Furniture street and got a dining room set of a square table and four stools, good old Chinese redwood, and also two sideboards with drawers and cupboards. These are long tables of graceful pattern, like sacrifice tables in the temples, but with better wood, and the places for putting things. One