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felt is was worth no more, and started home. We did want that cupboard, though, and until we got it we had no fit place for our linen. By the time we had gone a [[underlined]] li [[/underlined]] I was determined that we should have a cupboard; so back we went and bought the $45 one for $40. On the way home I let Dorothy go ahead while I stopeed at a little Mohammadan cake shop I discovered and bought a very fancy tin box full of moon cakes, and a large moon cake with a colored picture on it. This is the season of the birthday of the moon and at this time the moon cakes are to be had at their best. The finest dry cakes, or hard cakes, have pictures of the moon rabiit compounding the herbs of immortality baked on their tops, and what could be better to celebrate the Rabbit Lantern than moon cakes with the same picture on them that occurs on the cover of the book?

Dr. and Mrs. Wu and F.C.Wang, all Paotingfu friends, came in for supper and we served Chinese food, and moon cakes, and fruit and coffee, and had a nice time and a successful meal. I am very anxious to have our cook get to such a point of skill that he can make either Chinese food or foreign food good enough to staisfy us and any guests we are apt to have. He is doing very well. This meal was well-cooked and flavored, but lacked a little in variety of meat. There was beef of all all six dishes, when there should have been chicken and fish too, not to mention pork and mutton, to make a really good meal. But all was well and I was much pleased. It is great fun to have a home I can invite my friends to like this. 

Tuesday, 22 September

Classwork started today, and there were some complications with the sections of Freshman and Sophomore English, but I am getting them ironed out. In the afternoon I went to the School of Chinese Studies, and got my assistants started on the preparation of books for our new system of lending. All the printing is done now, and we have nothing to do but get the books ready, a lengthy task. 

We had supper with the Miles, with whom is staying Mrs. Robinson of Paotingfu. We had a good v[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]]isit, with the usual arguments and give and take of our conversations.