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Thursday, 24 September

   It was seven-thirty before I finished my day's work, but when work was done we cooked our own supper (this is the cook's afternoon off) and had a nice quiet time by ourselves. We are getting our summer and wedding pictures in shape and that gives us enough to fill many evenings.

   About nine-thirty we dressed up and went to the Grand Hotel des Wagon-Lits for their second dinner-dance of the season. The dancing starts at ten. The music was excellent, better than last year, and we danced entirely with each other. With a table to ourselves, a small bottle of Bordeaux, good music and a will to dance we had a gay and happy evening.

Friday, 25 September

   After I got back from the library we had tea and went up to Princeton Court. K.A. Wee and a couple other Chinese are redecorating and refurnishing a couple rooms there, and Wee asked Dorothy to come up and superintend the job. She has a free hand and enough money, and it will be a pleasant little job. When we had looked over the rooms and available furniture we took our departure and went to the station to meet the Hubbards who were coming from Peitaiho. They came not, and we went on home, stopping to get Louise and Mears to help us eat the supper we had prepared.

Saturday, 26 September

   Classes met this morning, and thus we finished the week. Having all Freshman classes at the same hours we are able to get all English section together in the chapel twice a week for special work. On Saturday we are having some work in parliamentary law under Mrs. Marshall, and on Thursday I give work in phonetics. These will last only for a few weeks, when we shall give more work in the individual classes. Mrs. Marshall took charge this morning and did very well. I am well pleased with my staff.

   In the afternoon I developed a roll of film