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As I had had a large tea at our English meeting at T'ung Fu I was glad to go out for a little walk with Dorothy before supper.

Tuesday, 29 September

T'ien Yu began work in Chinese this morning with the younger Fu. She is working on the translation of one of her stories for a talk she is to give before a mothers' club of high class Chinese women sometime in October. These women are all well worth knowing and the combination of meeting them and telling a story is a happy one.
   I had work as usual, and do no remember anything of note concerning the day.

Wednesday, 30 [[strikethrough]] October [[/strikethrough]] ^[[September]]

   This being out third mooniversary some sort of special celebration was in order. It rained hard all day, though, filling the streets with water and mud, and making pictures in the puddles of nice red gates. I had a luncheon meeting at the Hummels', so Dorothy had Denny in for lunch. After lunch she went up and finished the decoration of Wee's room as per schedule. When I got home we went out for a hike in the rain, got some stuff for supper and then came home and fixed up our food ourselves. Besides wedding cake we had March's Special Campfire Salad. (Make a pile of lobster or crab meat on a nest of lettuce leaves. Around this stack asparagus tips like the pieces of wood on a well-laid fire. Sprinkle the top liberally with paprika, and put a bit of flame of pepper of pimento at the apex. The salad dressing should be previously mixed with the crab meat.)

Thursday, 1 October

   After my usual afternoon at the Y.S.C.S. I returned to a house from which my wife was absent; she had agreed to take Mears out and help her do some shopping. I worked a bit and was having tea when Varney came in. The committees had finally met and decided it was better for him to go, so he and his wife were planning to leave next morning. I am sorry about this. I do not think he has had and entirely fair show, while I can see the point of