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Monday, 19 October

I went up to YSCS this morning and made a short talk in assemblyabout the library. Then I went to the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank to interview Mr. G. E. Hubbard, themanager, and invite him to address the Wen Yu Hui on 5 November.  I had originally arranged for Anna Louise Strong to speak, but she changed her plans and cancelled the date.

In the afternoon I interviewed and took on two new typists, graduates from the Y.M.C.A. School of Commerce, who had been sent to me by the principal, Mr. Fei Ch'i Hao.  I had gone to the school on Friday to inquire for men, and Mr. Mao and Mr. Yin came in response to me inquiries.  They are young and inexperienced, but mayand ought to be good men when they get into the game.  My second old assistant, Mr. An, has quit to get a better paying job, and the new man Kuo will leave the end of the month.  We are much handicapped by having to pay mission salaries for men who do not have the conviction and the desire to work for such salaries.

Tuesday, 20 October

This afternoon I gave the first lecture in my course on bibliography.  I spent most of the time on methods of work,,and I feare that the people were a bit bored. I had a good turnout, though, and was not disappointed on that score.  Dorothy came up to walk home with me.

We had the two Fus in for supper,,and atlked about art and sundry things. After supper, when we had looked at an old painting they brought down for us to see, we went over to Alan Priest's new house.  It is not far from here,,and he wanted us to come over, for little Fu, Hsi Hua, is going to livie with hem, and he wanted to show them the place.  We had a merry time. Alan's Chinese is rather sketchy,,but he talks it wihtout fear or self-consciousness, which I admire much in him.He constantly used the term for proprietor of a shop in a speaking of his landlord, and the Fus were much amused. Later, when discussing his name I pointed out that his Chinese name is a [[strikethrough]]homophone for[[/strikethrough]] homonym for "shop", whereupon the Fus remarked that every shop [[underline]]must[[/underline]] have a proprietor, and that