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After out supper we all three went over to the Normal University and I addressed a couple of hundred students on "Interpreting China to the West" making that as a really worthwhile work for those who have or are getting English as a tool withwhich they can help China. The attention of the boys was gratifying and I think they would have listened much longer.

Louise was tired and went home after the talk but Dorothy and I felt like the Movies and so went to see "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" which has at last come to Peking.

Wednesday, October 28

Mr. Burgess who is connected with Yenching, had asked us out to him home in Tungchou, twelve miles east of Peking for the evening and to spend the night. Mrs. Burgess and the two children live there and Mr. Burgess goes home from his work in Peking twice a week. We took the four o'clock train down and then walked through the huge compound which contains the American Board Mission, and the North China American School Grounds. Mrs. Burgess took us out to show us the place as soon as we arrived and we were both a bit amused that her idea of seeing Tung chou should be to show us the mission compound, the various school buildings and chapel. Someday we shall go there alone and see the real city, and old Chinese hsien that was very wealthy and famous before Boxer days.

In the evening two young men who are working there came in and we had dinner and then sat about an open fire, toasting marshmallows and talking. Mrs Burgess asked Dorothy to read some of her poems and Dorothy asked me to read them for her. Then Mrs. Burgess read some verse that she has done since she published "A Peking Caravan" last year. We enjoyed the evening extremely and liked the ride back to Peking in the early morning when a mist hung over the fields and villages as the train went by.

Thursday, October 29.
Today we started issuing books at the YSCS and that is a real event for it means that the books and the Library are really beginning to be in the condition I want and that should be.

At eight thirty we went over to dinner with Tom and Violet Ennis and after dinner to the Wagon