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Toda's American mail brought several things of interest. The Christian Science Monitor has published a poem and a sketch of Dorothy's, and a very nice silver dish came from the Paul Woodworth's by way of a wedding gift.

Wednesday, 25 November

Dorothy had a rather heavy cold and consequently spent the day in bed. This is her reward for getting up to go to the Ta Tu Hui party yesterday. I had conferences with my students in English 7 during all of my spare hours. It kept me rather busy. We got a very fine box of candy from home for Thanksgiving, into which we immediately dipped with great joy. I managed to go to Lung Fo Ssu fair to get some little shadow players we wanted to send to America for Christmas.

Thursday, 26 November

Thanksgiving Day, and a busy one. I spent practically all of the morning in my study, and Dorothy took a turn at doing up these Memoirs. She gets my style rather cleverly. We had a good Thanksgiving dinner at the Eniises'[[?]]. Louise and Carey were there also, and they went with us to the American minister's reception. The minister is a pleasant little man and he has a nice wife and fine children. All of American Peking was there, and I was not impressed. The Marines gave good music for dancing, so dance we did, and then I was glad enough to come home. I just as well satisfied not to be a minister.

Firday, 27 November

I spent the day in bed to try to get rid of a heavy cold, and as a compensation Dorothy had good old Roquefort cheese and ice cream for supper.

Saturday, 28 November

Being already behind in my work and having been delayed more by the day in bed I stayed home and worked this afternoon while Dorothy went out to Haitien to spend the week-end with the Chamberlains. We had both been bidden, but it seem -

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Transcription Notes:
Eniises' = Ennises