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better for me to stay at home, and I did get a good stack of work cleared out over Saturday and Sunday. Saturday night I spent printing pictures, and produced the world's smallest shou [[underlined]] chuan [[underlined]]or picture to be rolled in the hands.

Monday, 30 November

The amateur performance of the "The Circle" by the Peking Players of the Institute of Fine Arts, given at the Pavilion, was excellently done. Stage and acting were both quite satisfactory.  We have tickets of membership in the Institute now by virtue of my position in the School of Chinese Studies.

Tuesday, 1 December

We had one of the nicest parties tonight I have known in Peking. K.A. Wee had a dinner at Princeton court, and took his party to the hotel to dance afterwards. The crowd was all Chinese except us and another man.  The girls were fine dancers; the two little daughters of the former minister to Brazil were as attractive youngsters and as good dancers as one could imagine. I have seldom enjoyed myself so much or so hated to go home from a party.

Wednesday, 2 December

Dorothy went out for lunch with Mrs. Harrison, so I had Alan Priest come over here. We had a goodlunch and spent the half of the afternoon looking at pictures and things and talking about everything.

Thursday, 3 December

Had Leighton Sturat and L.C. Lo. President of the Chinese Students Alliance of America sepak at the Wen Yu Huimeeting tonight. The crowd was smaller than the number of reservations, and I lost money. I'll have to get corking good speaker next time and try to pick up the finances a little. These men spoke on Sino-American relations, and spoke rather well, but the crowd was lacking.

Friday, 4 December

Miss Mullikin and Miss Starr are exhibiting