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hope to get a young Chinese woman, Mrs. Yang, who seems well qualified for the work.  I am especially interested in getting a Chinese teacher in the department, for my predecessor has never been willing to try one, and I believe that we must.  I had rather hoped to be able to take Carey on, but she wants full-time work and I shall probably have only a part-time position to offer.  I plan to reduce mymown [[sic for my own]] hours ao [[sic for so]] as to have more time for administrative work.

I stayed at home during the afternoon, reading and working, while Dorothy went to a shower for Alnah over at Ting Hsiang.  With her snappy new red dress and red hat to match I can say without having been there that she was quite the sensation and envy of the entire crowd.

A note from William Hung reports the action of the Dean's Committee and allows me to go ahead and get Mrs. Yang for a part-time position.

Tuesday. 29 December

We had an English meeting this afternoon, and Dorothy sat in onnthe [[sic for on the]] whole meeting for the first time.  The time of her taking over Alnah's work is not far distant, and she is rather getting the situation sized up in advance.  She has only one class in which she will be directly under my supervision, and that is a class in Sophomore English.  I want to arrange for her to take my own section to P. U. M. C. if possible, but tonight the possibility is uncertain.

We went to a Faculty Fellowship at Nash's, and had a wild time.  "Partner's" were drawn by matching cards: men's cards contained the first few letters of the names of cities, while women's cards had the finals.  By a curious chance I made "Paotingfu" with Mrs. de Vargas.  Mrs. de Vargas is really quite intellectual and quite interesting.  She particularly won my favor by telling me that the copy of The Rabbit Lantern that they had ordered from America had just come, that she had been looking forward to reading the book, and that she meant to send it on to a neice in Switzerland who can read English, and who is passionately interested in China.

After supper the program of the evening was individual conversations, and I had a good chat [[erasure]] b [[/eraseure]] with