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was had by all.

Sunday, 10 January
We spent the day at home, but went over to Tom and Violet's for tea. They were having company, so could not go to the hotel and we stayed there for the rest of the afternoon. Soon after the Rubys and Tex Eubank and Faith Williams arrived we took our leave.

Monday, 11 January
Mrs. Burgess had supper with us. Her husband was invited too, but he had to go out to their home to take care of a sick youngster in order to let her come in. After supper we all went to the meeting of the Scribblers at the Reid home. Lea Severinghaus read, and the criticism was a good deal freer, so we felt that things were improving and we would stay with the outfit a while longer. last meeting we were quite discouraged, but now we feel hopeful. Dr. Yamei Kim was an interested guest at the meeting. Some of the stuff was very good. Dorothy turned in some New York sketches, and I nothing. Bob Bartlett had a poem that was one of the best of the evening.

Tuesday, 12 January
Exams all day. Violet was sick, so I gave her Sophomore exam while Dorothy gave mine. In the afternoon we gave the Freshman exam, to all the Freshmen at the same time in the chapel. We finished about six and then all turned in a marked papers until we got the whole bunch finished at about nine. Stryker, having missed supper at Y. S. C. S. then came home with me to eat.

Wednesday, 13 January
Grading papers and getting final marks ready occupied a good deal of the day. These days just now are quite full, as we do not have a holiday between semesters this year, trying to speed things up for an early closing in May.

Thursday, 14 January
Dorothy and I went to the tea dance at the Peking Hotel this afternoon. During the time we were there I sent my card up to Mr. Perceval Landon, and he came in to see me. He is going to speak for me at the Wen Yu Hui Ladies' Night in February, and there were a couple little points to clear up.