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This noon we entertained Dr. and Mrs. T. T. Lew, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. T'ang, and W. P. Wang. Mrs. Wang has recently given birth to the long-hoped-for son and heir, and consequently was unable to come out. We had a very good meal and a very pleasant visit. 

In the evening we went way outside of Ch'ienmen to the a famous old restaurant that has been doing business in the same place for 200 years, and there had a very fine duck dinner. Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Yang were our hosts, and there were seven other quests. I have seldom enjoyed a dinner more, and not too many as much. 

Monday, 25 January
Leonard Hsu had been a guest last night, and had said that he had a nice Chinese house that would be vacated in June. We went up to see it, but did not like it well wnough to go into details about renting. It was surrounded by two-story foreign houses, and itself was sufficiently foreignized to be unpleasant. 

Dorothy and Louise spent the afternoon at a swell party given by Mrs. Evans, an old Nanking acquaintance now resident in Peking. 

Tuesday, 26 January
I got home this afternoon to find the house in great commotion because Peter was lost. The men had come to deliver coal, and Peter has seized the opportunity to slip out of the door. Grandpa and the boy were both out looking for him, the police the in neighborhood had been warned. Several richsha coolies of our acquaintances were scouring the immediate vicinity, and great was the furore. Dorothy's tea party with Louise had been interrupted, and Louise soon went out to look. It got darker, and Dorothy herself went out. I stayed at home to wait for the prodigal, knowing that I could stand the waiting easier than Dorothy. Lou came back soon with tales odd adventure but no Peter. As last Grandpa came in the with pup in his arms. It seems that he had run north and explored a printing house that is just a couple doors from us. A man there had taken him, and waited until dark to take him home. Grandpa had heard of this man going north with a little dog at the end of a rope, and followed, asking along the way