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I was quite elated, and felt quite happy when Landon concluded his lecture by thanking "the secretary" for his assistance.

   Ching Ch'en left today for a three weeks vacation. He has not been home for three years, and was rather peremptorily summoned by his father. With all his faults he is sufficiently superior to the substitute he provided so that we shall be glad to have him back.

Friday, 5 February
   Louise, Mrs. Evans and Miss Krespach came in for tea, and then Louise stayed for supper. I took several photographs of various objects I wanted to experiment with. On the way home I bought some of the special candy with which New Year's is celebrated.

   In the eving Dorothy and I went to see "Quo Vadis" a comparatively new film with excellent horrors, and a remarkable characterization of Nero by Emil Jannings. Fear, fear based on ignorance, controlling a little soul equipped with great power was the dominating influence in the man's character. Splendid acting.

Saturday, 6 February
   Work, more or less as usual. The shops are all showing their New Year specialties, and in Tung An Shih Ch'ang the lantern and flower stalls and numerous.

Sunday, 7 February
   We had the library staff. Mr. Fu, Mrs. Hunter, Mr. Kuo, Mr. Mao, and Mr. Yin in for a New Year dinner. It was a great success; and when the boys had left we walked out to Liu Li Ch'ang, stopping at the brass shop to collect a little match box Dorothy had had made for my incense set as a New Year surprise. It is very little one with my [[underscore]] Tzu Yu [[/underline]] on the top. At Liu Li Ch'ang we got some books and stationery, and then we came home, stopping on the way to buy a new glass lamp shade with red "shou" characters on it, and two pair of hinges for a cupboard I am remodeling. I spent part of the evening Fixing the lamp and the cupboard, and now have to put a shelf in the latter and all is well.