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Tuesday, 16 February 

Elmer went out to Wo Fo Ssu for a two days conference today, and Louise came over and had lunch with us. I went out for a little while in the afternoon to do some errands, and stopped in at Miles' for tea, knowing that Dorothy was over at Ruby's, from which place she never returns. early. Having finished tea I came home, and still had no Dorothy, so I sorrowfully took may cameras and went up to the School to make some pictures of the building at night. Wm.B. wanted some and this was the best chance to get them, while both School and library were closed. I got back about nine o'clock, after making three exposures and talking a while with Lucius. 

Wednesday, 17 February 

Snow! The first, and probably the only snow of the season. We went out for a hike, and stopped at the Methodist Hospital to get new frames for Dorothy's glasses. Dorothy tried on the frames and asked me if I thought they were too high-brow. The Chinese clerk answered that they were just right height in the brow and very good fitting. We hiked on the snow covered glacis, poked in a few shops, bought me a new everyday stick for thirty cents, and came home. In the afternoon we went up to see Dr. Hammond's house. It has a wonderfully beautiful garden, but the house itself is quite makeshifty in spots. I do not know it is the best house we have seen yet, but we have not stopped looking. We have an option on this until Wm.B. comes back anyway. With him the final decision must reside. 

Thursday, 18 February 

Aktie Galt came in from T'ungchou, where she had been visiting her cousin, this morning, and Dorothy took the two Galts out to hunt furs. Altie needed a new coat to go home in, and they got a very nice cat and also the lining for it. 

Tom and I had a walk in the afternoon, and went into the newly opened Ho P'ing Park, what is still called the T'ai Miao, or Great Temple, the ancestral temple of the Great Ch'ing Dynasty, so lately out of power in China.