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though what the prizes are has not yet been announced. 

Stuarday, 20 February 

For several days I have been negotiating for the sale of my cameras, and today, having completed the bargain I invested in a new one. I got an Ica, quarter plate size, with a Ziess Tessar lens, 4.5, and a Compur shutter and various desirable attachments. It is equipped to use either plates or roll films, and I got focussing back, and plate holders with it. It is a superior instrument, and one that will do everything I want done. I am quite pleased with it. Having finished this we went on to the Wagon-Lits, looked at some Russian-Jewish dresses that a Mrs. Oppenheim was exhibiting for a few days as direct from Paris, and then went Miss Punnett's shop in the hotel and bought Dorothy a [[Underlined]] haori [[underlined]]. We have been promising us one for sometime in celebration of the 22nd of March. Of course it is still early, but we have had to look around a bit, and having found the perfect coat we could not but buy it at once. It is reversible, black with flowers and a gorgeous phoenix on the outside and Spannish red with more flowers on the inside. Dorothy is thrilled about and I am quite pleased 

Among other events of the day was the return of Ching Ch'en. He had gone towards his home, but as train service is interrupted between Tientsin and the south he had not been able to reach home. He had stayed in Tientsin with his brother, and he had then come back nearly a week before he was due. We were delighted to get rid of the substitute who lost no time in getting out of the house. 

A gorgeous box of Valentine chocolates came from Glen Ellyn and we were just settling down to a quiet enjoyment of them when in came a Miss Meaders bringing presents from Nanking also. So with double rejoicing we shared the chocolate with Miss Meaders and her companion Miss Srudley, had tea and talk of the family, and then bade our guests farewell.