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Saturday, 13 March 

After my class this morning I took some nega tives over to Mrs. Hartung's and we had a long talk about the thankless ness of the professional photographer's job. On the way home I stopped and talked with Alan for a time. Peter accompanied me and had a great time, for only in the shop did we need to use the leash. 

In the afternoon I went up to school, made out a list of books on Chinese art for the Women's College art department, which until this year has sc^[[a]]rcely recognized the existence of indigenous art in China. Then I settled our business with one of my assistants Mr. T. M. Kuo, who is leaving to take job offering more money for fewer hours of work. About five I came home just as a box arrived which we had been long expecting. It was a set of four black lacquered tea tables and a tray to match, that came from Foo-chow. Al Willett had had them made for me with our horse in gold on the top of each table. He had the tray made for a wedding present to us. The tables are oval, nest together nicely, and are exceedingly unusual and attractive. Owing to present war conditions and lack of freight trains the box was forwarded from Tientsin by truck, and it cost us just as much to get it landed in Tientsin and sent to our house here as to buy the tables originally and pay for their transportation to Tientsin. Look that up on your maps and do a little calculation in militaristics. However, we are delighted  with them, and glad we ordered them. Like so [[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethrough]] many other things in our house they are unique and very individual. Another new possession is a beautifully carved camphor box like a shrine, once used for some precious seal or similar thing. I was in Clem Ruby's office, saw the box in a corner, coveted it, and asked Clem what he intended to do with it. Saying it was too bulky to pack he gave it to me. I tried to buy, but was unsuccessful, and bringing it home I quickly altered its insides to make it hold photograph books very well and decoratively. 

Louise and Mears had supper with us, and then they went to a movie while the Ennises came over and went to the Peking Hotel and danced the rest of the night.