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[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]
[[strikethrough]] [[3 stamped numbers]] [[/strikethrough]]

Notes taken in 1932

June 1  Left Holliston 8:20 A. M.- arrived St. Albans, Vt., 7:20 P. M.  Travelled all day.

June 2  About 1 mi. S. of P. on E side of ^[[P. Highgate Sprs.]] road is Strites Pond - Lower 50' reticulated Dolomite.  Underlying Rock River formation, unfossiliferous on west side of main road.

Wallace Creek formation - [[strikethrough]] 1/3 [[/strikethrough]] 1/2 mile S of P. and on St. Armand road. Strites Pond at east and N side of road.  Wallace Creek on N side of road about 30 yds. from road.  Contact of Wallace Creek & Strites Pond unconformable.  W.C. very fossiliferous at base.  Upper Wallace Creek Dolomitic toward Morgan Corners formation overlying W.C.

1/3 mile E of Phillipsburg are infaulted blocks (slices) of Wallace Creek in Morgan Corners formation.  Very fossiliferous containing many "Syntrophinella".  This slice (or slices) are from the upper part of the Wallace Creek probably.  There is no proof of this as these rocks have not been seen in the main mass of the Wallace Creek.  The Chief block in the W.C. blocks is a [[underlined]] Syntrophinella [[/underlined]] like shell.  The shell & sciatix suggest Canadian.  There are also [[underlined]] Polytoechia-[[/underlined]] like shells.

[[image - drawing of shell]]